Chelsea IV

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Mondays. I hate Mondays. Especially after the weekend I just had. I was in a good mood. Until Monday.

I walk through the Uni halls that reeked of BO, stress and anxiety. I make my way to class and sit and listen to the Professor's lecture about teaching. I took my notes and collected the study materials the Professor provided us with. Then onto my next class, English as a Foreign Language. This one was more interesting, to say the least. But I still go through the same routine of taking notes for two and a half hours, collecting study material and going home.

When I get in, I make myself a coffee and sit down on the couch. I wonder if Jordyn is busy?

Hey, you busy?

Not at the moment. You okay?

Yeah, I just wanted to talk.

Oh. Okay.

Are you free this weekend?

Hopefully, lemme check.

A few minutes silence.

I have the whole weekend off, luckily. Captain was telling me off about my work hours.

Haha lol. Wanna do something?

We can just hang at mine or yours. I don't really feel like going out this weekend.

Send me your address. Saves us from being annoyed by my sister and her little shadow. Lol.

Haha yeah. I gtg, I'll speak to you later?

Duh. Bye.


I put my phone down and sighed. I had three more hours until I had to go work. So I thought I'd read a little bit and get some studying done.


I walked into the coffee shop and to my surprise, Jordyn and a few other fire fighters were there. They were all smiling and laughing. I decided to say hi.

"Hey Jordyn! I wasn't expecting to see you today." I say, but still happy to see her nonetheless.

"We're celebrating, actually. We had quite the day. And we all got through it." she said, looking at her colleagues.

"That's great. Let me know if you guys need anything." I say.

"Uh, yeah actually. Jordyn here, needs a girl to keep her warm in bed." a woman said, who I recognised as the other fire fighter at my house yesterday, resting her arm around Jordyn's shoulders.

"Don't listen to Camilla, she's just a weirdo." Jordyn dismissed, obviously feeling uncomfortable that her friend is trying to set her up with someone. Jordyn seems like the type to take relationships seriously, getting to know and love them. Not just throwing herself in the deep end and just hoping it'll work out.

"Okay, well, I'm gonna go. My offer still stands." I dismissed myself and went behind the counter. Relieving the other part-timer from his job.

I was about twenty minutes into work when one of the fire fighters came up to me. His hair was very dark, short and if it were long enough, curly. His dark brown skin complemented his uniform and his eyes were very serious. He was rather muscly and he was tall, but not taller than Jordyn. She was tall.

"How can I help?" I smiled.

"I get that Camilla was being a bit weird earlier but seriously, Jordyn needs someone to take care of her. She needs someone to love and someone to love her. Jordyn always puts other people before herself. She could've died today. But she didn't care. If she has someone to care about, she'll want to think about what she does. Do see our logic here?" he reasoned.

"Yeah, I do. But I don't understand what this has to do with me?"

"She never shuts up about you. It's always, 'the girl in the café downtown', or 'Chelsea this, Chelsea that'. She likes you. And I think you like her. Just think about it?"

These people seem desperate to find Jordyn someone to love.

"I'm gonna spend this weekend with her. We'll see where that goes." I say.

He nodded, "Can I get an Americano for Dean please?" he said.

"Sure, coming right up." I say, smiling. He sat back down with his team. That's when I notice another woman who was sat there with them. She looked exactly like Jordyn. I turned to Alley, who was making Dean's coffee.

"I thought you said Jordyn didn't have a twin?" I said in a hushed tone. Alley looked over to the table and realised what I was on about.

"She doesn't. That's her older sister, Arizona. But everyone calls her Zoey."

"Older? By how much?" I asked. This woman could not be older than twenty-five. No way.

"Try twenty-one years?"

My eyes shot wide and my jaw dropped the floor. Alley chuckled.

"Wait until you see their parents." she said. "You look shook. Are you okay?"

"How old is Jordyn then? I'm not gonna date some granny." I said, half joking.

"She's twenty-two, calm down!" Alley shook her head. I felt relieved. "Also, date? You're considering dating her?" she said, with a somewhat proud smile.

"Yeah. I'm going to hers on the weekend." I smiled boyishly.

"Use protection." Alley joked.

"Shut up." I said as I took Dean's coffee from her.

I walked carefully over to the table and put the beverage in front of him on the table.

"Ah, thank you." he said.

"No problem. Does anybody else need anything while I'm here?"

For some reason, all heads turned to Jordyn. She looked nervous.

"Do you think we could make this weekend a date?" she asked. I had to pause to try and from a coherent thought.

"Absolutely. I'd love to." I say with a smile.

"I'll pick you up on Saturday night?" she asked.

"Yeah. Text me the details." I winked and walked off with confidence. Where I got it from, I do not know. Even my hips her swaying. I'm a new girl.

Alley noticed this, and eyed me curiously. "What happened?"

"I'm going on a date. With McHottie over there." I pointed to Jordyn, who had everybody patting her back and rubbing her head with their knuckles. What a chaotic group.

"Oh, that's great!" she said. Didn't I know it?


I was currently sat at the dinner table with my mom, sister and niece.

"What did you get up to today, Chels?" my mom asked.

"I went to school and work. And my crush asked me out." I say, casually. My sister froze and looked at me.

"The one with the hot fire fighter?" Amber had a crush on Camilla, so that's how she refers to her, since she doesn't know her name.

"Yeah. Her name is Camilla by the way. I found out today." I say.

"Camilla Davies. Has a ring to it." Amber thought out loud.

"That's great, Chelsea! What's her name?" my mom chimed in.

"Jordyn." I say like a lovesick teen.

"Isn't that wonderful? When's the date?" my mom questioned.

"Saturday. Possibly carrying onto Sunday, if I'm lucky." I answer.

"Do you think you could hook me up with Camilla?" Amber asked like a hopeful child.

"I'll try." I chuckled.

When Fire Meets Coffeeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें