Jordyn XXXVI

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"Oh my god, Jordyn. What happened?" Jaydyn asks as she entered my apartment.

I am still very much topless, while I cook breakfast and Jaydyn let herself in, unannounced.

"She got a bit busy last night, I see." Fender teased. I am so glad Chelsea is in the shower.

"Look at her back!"

"I see it. Someone got a little carried away. She'll be fine." Fender says.

"How do you know?"

"Because it happens all the time when we do it!"

"True. I'm surprised I still have a back."

"Care to explain why you invited yourself in?" I question, not turning around.

"Happy New Year's to you, too. Where's your fiancé?"

I smile at the status. "Shower. Which I will do after breakfast." I say, more of a reminder to myself.

"Why don't you join her now? It's not as if you take long. I'll watch your breakfast and you go do that." Jaydyn insists.

"You don't have to tell me twice." I say as I rush to my room and get ready for the shower.

After that, I open the door to the bathroom because as far as she knows it's just me, and I've already seen everything.

"Hey, babe." She says from behind the curtain as I lock the door.

"I'm gonna join you, if that's alright? Jaydyn is watching the breakfast cook so it's all okay." I tell her.

"I would love that."

I strip out of my bottoms and underwear and step into the shower.

After we showered and dressed, which didn't take long, we went outside and I see Jaydyn serving our breakfasts for us.

"Best twin sister ever." I smile.

"I know. Glad to see you got a top on. Don't let anyone else see that. You'll get teased for ages." she reminds me. I just simply nod as I eat my breakfast with Chelsea by my side.

After we finish, I brush my teeth and am still surprised to see Jaydyn and Fender still here.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I just wanted to spend time with you. That's all." Jaydyn says innocently. Too innocently.

"What's the catch?"

"Wedding planning?" she squeaks.

"Wedding planning? Are you going to to be our wedding planners?" I question.

"I'd love that, actually."

"Chels! Jaydyn wants to talk about our wedding!" I call to Chelsea who is in the bathroom.

"I am moisturising, woman!" I hear her call back. It makes me chuckle as I sit on the couch with my sister and her girlfriend.

"She'll be a minute." I say calmly.

Eventually Chelsea finished moisturising or whatever and joined us on the couch.

"So. Wedding plans. We have none." she sighs.

"Well, we will get you some. And by 'we' I mean the royal 'we', we'll just listen." Jaydyn says.

"All I know is that I want to get married soon. As soon as possible. I am not going to wait to marry the love of my life. Nuh uh." Chelsea says.

"Aw. That's adorable. Well, you have school and Jordyn has work. So maybe spring break? It'll be good for the other kids who are in school as well."

"No, spring break doesn't cut it for me. I want it to be on a normal week, so I'm not just waiting for the wedding. Besides, the kids have friends. They'll want to be with them during spring break." I explain. Chelsea agrees.

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