Chelsea XLVII

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Seven years later.

"Mommy! Watch my trick!" Link shouts over to me from the trampoline as she does a back flip and sticks it.

"That was impressive! Who taught you that?" I smile. I'm sat on a decking chair, just watching my kids play. The twins mess with their cars at my feet.

"Mama did!" she says as she proceeds to do another one.

"You're pretty good at those." I tell her.

"Thank you." she bounces all over the trampoline.

I hear the twins begin to bicker and I look down at the girls.

"What's the matter?" I question.

"Harry took my car! The blue one!" Harley whines.

"Harry, give your sister her car back!" I demand.

"No!" Harry protests.


"Fine!" she tosses the car back to Harley and pouts.

"Quit your pouting. Look at all of the other cars you have." I remind her.

She still pouts. Harry crosses her arms and gets up to storm off, but I swoop her into my arms.

"Do I have to tickle you until you smile?" I tease.

She shakes her head but doesn't smile.

"That's it! Here comes the tickle monster." I growl playfully as I tickle her. She finally smiles and giggles as I do so.

"There's that smile I know and love!" I announce.

"I love you, Mommy." Harry tells me.

"I love you too, kiddo. And because you love your sister, you're going to apologise and give her a cwtch, yeah?"

"Okay, Mommy."

I set her down and she does just that. For four year olds, they sure are grown up. I'd never hug my sister, that's for sure.

"Mom! Watch this one!" Link continues to do more impressive tricks on the trampoline that Jordyn taught her, no doubt.

"That was so cool! Have you been practicing?" I hear a voice say from the back door.

"Mama!" Link jumps off the trampoline but doesn't quite stick that landing, but she was able to roll to absorb the impact of the floor.

"Careful, kiddo. Are you okay?" Jordyn asks when Link reaches her.

"Yeah!" she jumps excitedly on Jordyn and I can't help but chuckle.

"Mama!" the twins say in unison.

"Hey, you two! Have you been good for Mommy?"

"No." Harry whines.

"What happened?"

"I took Harley's car and then I didn't give back. But it's okay now because I gave it back to her and said sorry then  I told her I love her and gave her a cwtch." Harry retells the story.

"So you guys are good now?"

"Yeah!" the both say.

"That's the main thing, isn't it?"

They both nod, give Jordyn hugs and kisses, all while Link is on her back, and go back to playing cars by my chair.

I get up to greet Jordyn.

"Hey you." I say, kissing her lips.

"Hi. How was your day?"

"I've been watching the kids play. Link showed me those awesome tricks you taught her, isn't that so, Link?"


"Aw. That's sounds fun." Jordyn says.

"Quite. How was work?"

"Oh you know. Just saving kittens from trees and damsels in distress." she shrugs.

"I hope they didn't like you too much. You're all mine." I declare.

"Nah, I've only got eyes for one woman anyway."

"Good. Keep it that way." I tell her. She chuckles and shakes her head. Jordyn kisses mine and all over my face repeatedly. I accept the love.

"Mama! Let's go on the trampoline so you can teach me more tricks." Link orders.

Jordyn gives me one more kiss and takes Link over to the trampoline. I watch as she bounces up and down with our daughter.

She's still as attractive as the day I first saw her. And the muscles? Well, let's just say that they have only gotten bigger.

Raising these kids with her has been a blast. Link looks like a mini-Jordyn. Harry and Harley look like me accept Harley has blue eyes like Christina's in contrast to my honey ones.

They all have Jordyn's temperament though. Harry likes to come up with stories with me. She is very much in love with the fact that I am a published author with more than a million orders for my books so far. I was able to expand on my first one in a sequel and went from there.

Jordyn went back to the band, only now she plays rhythm guitar and I may or may not have featured in a few songs. Drums and vocals. Jordyn insisted on the vocals.

Link can play the piano quite well and she wants to learn guitar and drums, like her parents.

It won't be long before Jordyn starts to teach Harry and Harley piano. It's a sort of bonding thing for them and I wonder if that'll be the same for me when I write with them or teach them how to play the drums.

We all like to read a book before we go to bed nower days. We'll sit in Harley's room and cuddle together, with or without Jordyn because she works, and I'll read aloud to them and they love it. I just know that there will come a time where Link won't want to do that, and it saddens me to think about that.

I watch my wife with Link and notice how Jordyn's boobs bounce as she does. It makes me chuckle but I am still very much turned on by this.

I seem to somehow fall more in love with her everyday. I wake up, in love. I kiss her before she goes to work, in love. She comes home and spends time with us as a family if she can, in love. I am whipped for this woman and I just know that that tree in the park is colossal right now.

Just the sweet burn of our passion thrills me. The way she just lights me up when I'm feeling down.

The way she tells me I give her energy when she has none. The way I am the first thing she wants in the morning.

The way we both warm each other in our comforting love of ash and grounds.

But hey, I guess that happens...

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