Jordyn XVII

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We left my parents house to go back to my apartment and settle down for the night. Chelsea demanded that she come into work with me this morning and I have no idea how deep her feelings are with this whole situation, but I fear I'm about to find out.

She drags me in with her hand in mine, pure determination etched upon her face.

We storm through the front doors of the firehouse and she looks at me with expectation.

"What?" I ask.

"Don't you have an office?"

Luckily, the office was right to our left, I opened the door and let her in first. She walked in and plonked herself on the sofa that was situated in front of my desk.

"Call him in here. Now." she ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." I answer, leaving to find him. I went up the stairs and he was in the kitchen, making a bowl of cereal.

"Turner, come to my office." I said calmly. He completely ignored me as he took spoonful into his mouth.

"Turner, my office, now." I repeat, a little annoyed that he ignored me. This time, he looked up, concern on his features. I immediately made my exit and went straight back to my angry girlfriend in my office, followed by Turner.

"Yes, Captain?" he said, closing the door, noticing the livid Chelsea sat in my office.

"Jordyn, could you go please? Get something to eat." Chelsea said, not showing any anger as she stood to walk behind my desk. I'm assuming she was being compassionate towards me. I decided that I didn't want to her what she was about to say, so I kissed her head and left for the kitchen.

Before I closed the door, I heard, "Please, sit." Her fake hospitality almost nauseating with the knowledge of the angerbstorm about to erupt.

I reached the top of the stairs and saw the rest of the team in the kitchen/dining table. All smiles shot my way. This is how a team should be.

A chorus of, "Morning, Captain." sounded as I made my through the kitchen to get something to eat. I felt a loving hand on my back and turned around to see my fire mom smiling at me.

"Buenos días, pequeño. Cómo te va, mija?" she sang.

"Estoy bien. Mi amor está en la oficina."

She gave me a puzzled look.

"I'm sure she'll tell you about it later." I winked. Camilla smiled at me and allowed me to continue with making my breakfast. I decided on toast and tea, simple and tasty.

I sat down to eat my toast, when I heard muffled screams of anger from downstairs, followed my the office door opening and closing. Angry footsteps ascended the stairs and a fuming Chelsea appeared.

"If you see a grown man crying, it wasn't me." her gaze locked onto mine. She moved to sit next to me and I pulled the empty seat out for her. She sat down with a huff and she looked at me with sad eyes.

"He's a dick." she pouted. I kissed her head as she leaned in my shoulder. Camilla looked like she wanted to say something, but she restrained herself.

"Let it out, Camilla." I sigh.

"You two are so cute! I could watch you all day." she squealed.

"Have you got anyone to keep you warm in bed?" Chelsea mocked Camilla.

"I do, actually." she countered.

I gave her a knowing look as she gave me a smug one.

"Oh? Who?" Chelsea said, none the wiser of my glances.

"Tu hermana, niña." she said.

Chelsea looked shocked. She understood that much. Camilla wasn't aware of the fact that Chelsea was studying Spanish, and her face dropped from one of mischievous, to one of distraught.

"Amber? Seriously?" Chelsea hushed, to which Camilla smiled nervously. I laughed because it was funny. To me, anyway.

"So you guys are together?"

"Yeah, and Lucy is quite intent on calling me, Mama."

"She's a bold one. When she met Jordyn as my girlfriend, she started calling her Auntie Jordyn." Chelsea chuckled att he thought of her niece, our niece.

"I better get going. School and all." Chelsea said, getting up from her chair, "If he gives you anymore grief, let me know." she whispered in my ear, her lips brushing my ear lobe.

Normally, I wouldn't have someone get so close to my ears, but Chelsea is an exception, I guess. I have her a kiss and she left the fire house. At this, I ordered everyone to do their chores after they've eaten. I head back down to my office, noticing that Turner is still there.

"Can I help you?" I ask, feeling quite bitter towards him.

"No, fatty." he said, storming out the room. I felt an anger bubble up in me as he slammed the door. An anger I haven't felt since I was twelve.

(short chapter, I know)

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