Epilogue II

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"Oi, Link, bring that back. The foods gonna burn!" I yell at Link as she runs away with my flippers. You know, the things that flip the stuff on the barbecue? That's what I call them anyway.

"Aw, you're no fun." my sixteen year old daughter pouts as she hands them back to me.

"I know. Food is nearly ready, though." I shrug.

Link gets quite mischievous when she's hungry. She likes to take things and run away with them. Her girlfriend finds it very amusing.

"I'm hungry, Mama." she whines as she leans into me. She's getting taller by the day.

"I know. Go get everyone. Food is done."

Link literally sprints back into the house to get everyone outside for food.

We invited a few people over. Link's best friend, Sergeant, who is ironically a Cadet Staff Sergeant in my contingent, Link's girlfriend and her parents, Harry's crush but otherwise friend, Emily, Harley's best friend, Sammy, and Chelsea's best friend, Chloe.

I just wanted that busy atmosphere. It's definitely something you grow to miss when you have eleven sisters and two hyperactive Mothers. Not to mention the extended family too.

Link comes back out and the first person I see besides her is Chelsea, my stunning wife who's eyes hold so much love and passion. Especially for her writing. I love her writing and have read all eight of her books front to back, in order, at least three times. My love for this woman has only grown in the last sixteen or so years we've been together. She's my everything and the reason I come home everyday from work. She brings a smile to my face whenever she looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and breath-taking smile. The cute little dimples that show when she does so. It makes me want to get her to smile forever, just to look at those adorable dips in her cheeks. I love to run my fingers through her soft blonde hair and I love to kiss her sensitive neck, her soft lips are my favourite, however. This woman makes me crazy. Crazy in love...

"Amser cinio, Mama!" Link reminds me in Welsh.

"What did she just say?" Emily asks.

"Dinner time, she's hungry." Harry informs her interest. Emily nods as she sits down at the table.

It's a fairly nice day out, so we are eating outside today. The gorgeous June whether blessing my skin with a beautiful tan.

"Yes, Link. I know, it's ready now. You can calm down." I tell my daughter as she sits down next to her girlfriend, who holds all of her emotions in her dark brown eyes. You can see the love she has for Link. You can see the love Link has for her. It makes me want to cuddle with my wife and tell her how much I love her but my stomach growls loudly, embarrassing me beyond capacity.

I serve up food for everyone, all chinwagging as I do so. Link and Sergeant mainly joke between themselves, but Link will alternate between Sergeant and her girlfriend, keeping them both happy. She's so thoughtful.

I talk with Chloe as Chelsea talks with the twins and their friends. Link's girlfriend's parents mainly keeping to themselves.

"Wow, Captain Rogerstone-Montgumery, this is so good!" Emily says with a biteful of burger in her mouth. For some reason, Harry and Harley are very intent on their friends calling me Captain instead of Mrs, it's cute but not necessary.

"Thanks, Em."

"It's really good." she nods as she takes another bite.

"It's cute how they call you Captain." Chloe chuckles.

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