Chelsea XXX

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After the phone call with Jaydyn, I've never been so active.

I literally sprung up out of bed and whizzed around the apartment, which is a mess now, sorry Jordyn, and got ready. I wasn't told what happened but Jaydyn made it sound urgent. So here's me, thinking the worst has happened as I walk through the hospital.

I look around with sore eyes, people looking at me with worried expressions. Probably because I'm walking so fast, but it feels slow to me.

I repeatedly press the elevator button, seeing that the bloody thing is on the tenth floor.

Please hurry up, I have somewhere I need to be.

After five excruciating minutes, the elevator opens but about a million people come off of it. I sigh and roll my eyes as I push my way into the elevator, not caring if I'm being rude.

I hit the button of Jordyn's floor. Finally, the lift starts moving.

Thank god.

I get to the second floor and it stops again. The door opens and people get on. They hit the fourth floor button.

We go straight for the fourth floor and the other people get off, and I'm on my own again. I let out a sigh of... Well, everything. All of my emotions that I've been feeling this past month, is somewhat released in that sigh.

At last, the elevator reaches Jordyn's floor and I waste no time in stepping out. I almost stomp down the hallway and see Jaydyn outside her door.

"Jaydyn!" I bark.

She looks up at me with worried eyes as I reach her.

"What happened?" I demand.

"Chelsea, I need you to take a breath before you go in there. You'll have to calm down first. Can you do that?" she says softly.

I nod and take a few breaths. Now I'm worried. Why would I have to be calm to see Jordyn? Did she die?


She can't be dead.

She just can't.

Jaydyn nods her head reassuringly as I breath in and out. Once she's happy that I'm calm, she puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Don't freak out." she says quickly.


She says nothing more as she opens the door and leads me in. I walk in, expecting to find a lifeless Jordyn with tubes in her mouth and a flatline on the screen.

Instead, she's sitting up with a hospital magazine in her hands. Flipping the the pages, casually.


"These magazines are so boring." she mumbles to herself as she continues to flip through the pages.

I'm stood there, shocked as one can be. She looks up at me and smiles.

"Hi. I missed you. Come here." she says and she literally throws the magazine across the room. I didn't even realise that my feet automatically carried me to the side of her bed until I was looking down at her, wide eyes and heavy breathing.

"You want to lay down with me?" she asks. It takes a moment for her words to process in my head before my body automatically moves again. I wrap myself around her as she tries her best to do the same. She's a little bit weak. I feel her kiss my head and lean into me. That does it.

My eyes leak, no, pours tears as I grip onto her hospital gown and pull myself closer, somehow. I feel her rub my back in reassurance as I sob into her chest.

"Jordyn." is all I can say.

"I'm here." she replies. I lean up and kiss her neck up to cheek then her lips. I almost melt when she kisses me back.

After a while, I calm down.

"I missed you, too." I finally say as I lean my head on her chest, again.

"How've you been?"

"Not good. I missed you."

I feel her hug me close again.

"The apartment is a mess. I'm sorry." I mumble.

"That's okay. We'll clean it together when I'm better." she chuckles. I nod and run my hand up and down her arm.

"I love you, Chels. You know that? That's why I'm alive. Because I love you. I don't want to lose you." she tells me.

"I love you, too. I don't want to lose you either. I thought I did." I say and squeeze her a bit. She does her best to squeeze me back.

"Excited for Christmas?" she asks.

That's right. It's December now. Even though I still do online school, I maganed to lose track of time when Jordyn was out. I should start Christmas shopping soon. I hope Jordyn will be better by then.

"Yeah, I hope you can come Christmas shopping with me. That would be nice." I say.

"Yeah, it would be. Well, because I'm absolutely amazing, I should be out of here in no time. It doesn't take much for me to bounce back. It'll be fine."

I nod my head against her chest again. I missed her. I missed her arms around me and her kisses and stuff. I just missed it.

"How's that book coming along?"

"Last time I tried writing was two weeks ago. I've got about eight chapters now." I tell her.

"I can't wait to read it." I can hear the excitement in her voice and it makes me happy.

She makes me happy.

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