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The day of your trip with the family... and now Bucky was slowly approaching. Your dinners with Steve and Peggy became more frequent and the semester was nearly over meaning the holidays were fast approaching. It all felt so exciting, and good, a bit too good.

All you could think and even talk about with Bucky was going away, you thought about him at the beach, how he'll look with a tan, sea salt wet hair, what it will be like being together at the poolside in a hotel... sharing a hotel room, warm evenings. A nice change to the October air of New York, and a nice change to having to hide your relationship there you knew you'd be able to be free.

But before all that could begin you still had one week left. You woke up like most days recently beside Bucky in his bed. Getting ready side by side to go to the same destination except you had to leave separately not even being able to risk getting a coffee together just in case someone from the university saw you two together. You could tell it was affecting Bucky a little more each day, the secrecy, at the start it was fun even a bit sexy to sneak around but the longer you were together the more you wanted to do the things Peggy and Steve got to do, like getting coffee in the morning, holding hands while you walk down the street or even just stealing one of his jumpers to wear that day.

You were sitting in Bucky's lecture, choosing to sit closer to the back where you could zone out a bit more as you were tired from your movie marathon the night before that lasted a bit too long for a school night. Bucky was very obviously also tired today as even though he was drinking his coffee he was not as active or hyper when delivering his lecture, to a point where a student even asked him if he was okay and he simply replied with. "Yes thank you, I'd like to apologise I'm just very sleep deprived today."

"Barnes had a late one last night, who's the lucky gal huh teach?" One of the more annoying students in the class asked receiving some ooo's from the other classmates.

Bucky wasn't feeling too professional today when he entertained the boy by not ignoring the comment  "I'll have you know I was busy working marking work, but I seem you wouldn't know as you don't remember to hand in your work on time."

That also got a reaction from the crowd, and one of his more flirty students put her hand up to ask a question "Profesor Barnes, speaking of late nights are you coming to the annual campus Halloween party?"

"I believe faculty staff is forced to go against our will at least for an hour."

"Will you bringing a date?" She chirped making Bucky laugh before making direct eye contact with you for a sit second however it felt like he kept your gaze for minutes as he looked you dead in the eyes before ignoring the question.

"Right, let's get back to work you don't pay tuition to ask me personal question, please save them for... well, never. I'm your teacher not your friend, we're here to learn about academic subject and my attendance of Halloween parties is not that." Bucky continued with his mostly boring lecture with little to no interruptions from then on.

After the lecture you left, throwing a slight glance back and Bucky as he looked at you longingly as you left his classroom. You went on with your day and decided to go get a coffee during your lunch break to make it through the day, while ordering you saw a almost too familiar face waiting for his order, Bucky.

"Two coffees in one day Professor Barnes, are you trying to get a heart attack?"

"Well someone kept me up all night Miss L/N." Bucky shot back immediately with a small smile forming on the edge of his lips. "How's your lectures so far? Have you managed to finish that essay?" He changed the subject.

"It's nearly done, although I do admit I'm excited to have a week off all this school life soon." You added while you both started walking back to campus with your coffees chatting.

"Bucky we can't be doing this." You stopped dead in your tracks half way back to the campus.

"What do you mean doll?" He said, lowering his voice and almost whispering the word doll.

"This? Us, grabbing coffee, laughing walking back to class. What if people see us."

"F/N, it's completely normal for students to run into their professors on their way back from the closest coffee shop to campus."

"And laugh and talk like we do?"

"We haven't said anything wrong." His face almost dropped.

"That doesn't matter what if people start talking."

"Because a teacher and student who know each other have a conversation on their way back to campus? God forbid" Bucky retaliate with a more annoyed tone.

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Do I Y/N? Or are you blowing things out of proportion. We're not at a romantic dinner, we don't even go on walks together just in case someone sees, I can't take you to a bar or dancing. We hide away in dark cinemas two seats apart but no what if someone sees us walking back to campus from the closest coffee shop." He was whispering but it almost sounded like he was shouting.

"Bucky." Your voice broke saying his name.

"No. Because if I can't come back with you from a coffee shop we bumped into each other at then what can I do? Hide away in hospitals when you're hurt? Live in your fucking shadow hoping one day I could get a fucking morning coffee with you?" He looked defeated and you had no words. "I'll see you tomorrow in class Miss L/N, I wish you a very pleasant day." He said walking away in a opposite direction to the campus.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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