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"So you like her?" Steve asked Bucky as they were sitting in Steve's office during their lunch break in Monday.

"No I didn't say that, I mean I do like her in a friend way, but I know you mean more than that it's just, when we talk I feel like we've been friends for years, it feels like we agree in every topic." Bucky explained.

"I mean she is easy to get along with but you do realise it sounds like you're falling in love with her and she's your student so just remember that." Steve said in a very authority voice.

"Yeah I know, that's why I bought Y/N up, am I allowed to be friends with her even though she's my student?" Bucky asked.

"Define friends." Steve said.

"I don't know like people who talk about things they are both interested in, hang out together along with other friends ect basically am I allowed to like sit with like you and Y/N in a bar talking even though she's my student?" Bucky asked.

"I mean that's a grey area because technically you could've known her before she was your student and you wouldn't just stop being friends with her because she's your student." Steve explained.

"So it's okay?" Bucky asked happily.

"Yeah I guess just to make sure your job is safe if anyone asks you were friends before she started to study here age-wise no one will question it."

"Okay thanks man." Bucky said. "Anyway I have a class to teach so I better get going." Bucky said standing up.

"Oh the one with Y/N?" Steve said suggestively.

"Shut up." Bucky grumbled before walking out the door.

On the other side of campus you were walking with Natasha to your classes after your usual lunch together. "So you've got Barnes now." Nat said nudging you and winking.

"Oh shut up." You said to her not being actually annoyed.

"I mean dude you've got to at least think he's hot? He's like one of the hottest on campus! I do miss his long hair though, I wonder why he cut it." Nat said.

"Oh it was because he thought it will help improve his relationship with his girlfriend at the time Dot, she said the army changed him too much and that he wasn't the man she fell in love with so he tried to look like the pre-army him to like show her he'll try for her but that kind of exploded in his face." You said casually.

"How do you know that?" Natasha asked confused.

"I told you we talked..." you said confused as to her confusion.

"But that's like deep, that's things you only share with someone you're really close with like he's the type of guy who doesn't open up, I mean he's known for being mysterious and closed off." Nat pointed out.

"I guess he was just feeling talkative that day." You shrugged it off.

"And generous seeing that he gave you his hoodie." Nat said winking.

"Okay I need to go to class and you need to shut up." You said before the two of you said your goodbyes. Class was pretty boring as usual, you sat making notes during the lecture while Bucky taught the class however when you were walking out Bucky said "Miss L/N may I have a word." And a million thoughts went through your mind, he sounded angry, the question was why.

"Mhm." You said before saying bye to one of your friends from class and going over to Buckys desk. "What's up?" Wow that sounded cocky you thought after saying it you wished you could take that back.

"Hi I just wanted to talk to you are you in a rush?" Bucky asked.

"No I'm this was my last lecture of the day I was just gonna go home." You said.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now