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You wanted to talk to Bucky during your next lesson but he wasn't in. So you decided to get an excuse to go over to his, you went to a deli bought him home made soup, bought cold medicine and pain killers and went to his with the pretext that you're doing what he did for you. You knocked on the door and waited, nothing, you knocked again and you heard footsteps as if someone walks up to the door looked through the peep hole and walked away, you knocked again and nothing. "Barnes I can hear you walking around in there!" You shouted and then the door opened. Bucky looked rough maybe he was ill, it looked like he didn't shave all week his usual clean shaven or slightly stumble look was replaced with the beginnings of a beard, he was wearing trashy clothes and his hair was a mess. "Hi, look I know you don't want to see me and I'm 90% sure you're not actually ill but if you are I bought you some stuff because you did it for me it's only fair-" You ranted.

"Do you want to come in?" Bucky cut you off in a deeper voice than usual he sounded broken.

"Are you sure?" You asked and he lightly nodded stepping aside to let you in, you walked in expecting the flat to be a complete mess like Bucky but surprisingly it was spotless. You sat down on the couch and Bucky took a seat opposite you neither of you knowing what to say. "Is everything okay Bucky? I'm worried." You said receiving a deep sigh from Bucky before he hid his face in his palms. 

"I think I'm gonna quit work and move somewhere else like a new state." Bucky simply said in his broken voice.

"What? Why?" You asked confused and also with worry. Would this mean that Bucky was going to be out of your life?

"I don't know." Bucky said aggravated standing up and starting to pace the room.

"Well you obviously do, considering that you've made this decision." You stood up angry with how Bucky has been acting these past few days. Bucky ignored you so you continued. "You're acting so selfish." You said and Bucky kept pacing. "Steve will be devestated and heart broken, your students will be loosing their teacher half way through the year they will be confused and hurt, your friends will all be upset and miss you, need I go on." You continued and Bucky kept pacing and not saying anything.  "Fucking hell Bucky stop pacing." You said putting your hands on each of his arms in order to make him stand still and he stopped. "Thank you." You said with a sigh.

"I don't want to leave..." Bucky said his voice filled with sadness.

"Then don't." You simply said looking up at him to look him in the eyes.

"But I have to." He replied you could see the pain in his eyes.

"Look whatever you think if forcing you out of here you can fight it." You said hugging Bucky to comfort him. "You grew up here, New York is your home don't leave. You have people who will help you, you just need to let us help you." You said and you felt Bucky nod and you let go of him ending the hug.

"Steve's already tried to help me, it didn't work I don't know how to get out of this situation." Bucky said sounding frustrated again and sitting down.

"What situation?" You asked calmly sitting down opposite him.

"Me kissing you!" Bucky raised his voice making you slightly flinch, you knew he wouldn't hurt you but when he raised his voice he was terrifying.

"I'm sorry Bucky I really wanted to help you but if you're childish enough to fucking leave town because of one accidental kiss then I think you should grow up." You said feeling annoyed with his pettiness.

"It wasn't accidental, I mean it was, but I wanted to kiss you, of course if I ever was going to actually kiss you on purpose I would've asked for your consent but I'm a fucking idiot, my head just forgot who you were, it felt like we've been dating for years and that's so fucked up because you're my student and the only way out of this situation is to leave." Bucky ranted.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara