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You were planning to meet Wanda for breakfast before she had to go to work, so you decided to go get bagels at Benny's Bagels. Sitting there it reminded you of the day Bucky bought home bagels and you are them together talking and getting to know each other, it made you sad when that was proposed to the contrast of Bucky storming away from you and barely speaking to you, one sentence and you lost his trust probably for good and you hated yourself over it. "What's on your mind?" Wanda said noticing your off behaviour.

"I don't know just guy troubles I guess." You said to her feeling guilty that you stopped updating her on Barnes, your deal after all was that you were only allowed to tell Nat and he was only allowed to tell Steve.

"Wanna talk about it? I'm all ears for like twenty minutes before I need to hurry if to work." She added making you laugh.

"No it's fine honestly, Antea how's Vis?" You asked her and her face lit up. While she was telling you some story about how Vision was attempting to cook (badly) you noticed a familiar person walk in. It was Bucky, he was wearing a baseball cap, shorts and a t-shirt it looked like he'd just been running and he looked good. "Are you even listening?" Wanda said before looking where you were looking. "Oooo he's hot." Wanda said.

"Yeah that's Bucky." You said watching him pay for a bagel he was such an enthusiastic your eyes were just drawn to him.

"Bucky!" Wanda shouted and you instantly wanted to murder her. Bucky turned around confused and noticed you he smiled at you and did that slight nod people do to say hello and you smiled back with a slight wave. "You're welcome." Wanda added.

"I'm gonna kill you." You whispered to her. Bucky then approached the two of you.

"Hi." He said with a charming smile.

"Hi." You replied you were so confused why he's suddenly talking to you. "Bucky this is my best friend Wanda, Wanda this is Bucky." You introduced them and they shook hands. Of course Bucky is the type of person to shake someone's hand you thought to yourself. "So Bucky you wanna sit?" Wanda asked.

"Uh yeah, thanks you guys don't mind?" Bucky asked awkwardly while sitting down.

"Nah we don't mind." Wanda said and you just simply smiled.

"So Bucky how do you know Y/N?" Wanda asked.

"We met in a a bar." You quickly answered before Bucky said anything about being your Lit professor, the very professor you talked to her on the phone about confessing how hot he is.

"Yeah we met at a bar." Barnes answered just going with it. The three of you began to just gossip, the conversation mainly led by Wanda who wanted to get to know Bucky, luckily Bucky didn't mention anything about being a teacher which saved you from Wanda realising who Bucky is. "Wanda, when are you going to work again?" You asked curiously interrupting the conversation.

"Uh, 11:30 I need to leave here why?" She replied.

"It's 12..." You said.

"Shit. Okay o need to go Bucky it was nice meeting you, Y/N it was terrible meeting you as usual." Wanda said giving both you and Bucky a hug while Bucky laughed at Wanda's statement. When she walked out there was a moment of silence where both you and Bucky didn't know what to say. "I want to apologise."Bucky started after the awkward moment of silence.

"You seem to do that a lot, you have nothing to apologise for." You replied.

"I do because I acted shitty and selfish and didn't even truly realise till Steve called me out on it." Bucky explained.

"Steve really does keep you grounded huh?" You said as a slight joke.

"I guess so, but as I said I want to apologise, I invited you to the cinema, and bailed half way through with no explanation." Bucky began.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now