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"He cut his hair. He looks more handsome than he used to but I do miss his man-bun, he started wearing sweaters a lot more now that it's getting colder and sometimes he wears those nerdy glasses making them look extremely hot especially when he also wears a shirt with his sleeves rolled up." You said in a drunken state to your best friend Wanda over the phone.

"Wait who are you talking about?" Wanda questioned.

"Professor Barnes." You simply stayed slightly slurring your words.

"You're Literature professor?" Wanda investigated further.

"He's so darn cute but like don't tell anyone I'd be in hell if anyone knew especially Nat don't tell Nat." You continued.

"Don't tell Nat what?" Natasha asked walking into your shared apartment, Wanda also used to live with you until she got a job and moved in with Vision so now you end up having to catch up over the phone more often than any of you liked.

"Uh..." you didn't know what to reply.

"How much Y/N drank, Nat please put her to bed she has lessons tomorrow." Wanda said knowing that she's on speaker.

"Sure thing, come on, you're going to bed say goodnight to Wanda." Natasha said taking you to your room even though you protested.

The morning was hell you didn't set an alarm so woke up really late throwing on the most lazy outfit and grabbing a coffee Natasha generously made for you before speeding off to campus. You didn't make it before your first class- History-  started so you had to awkwardly walk in half way through the lecture having nearly everyone stare at you walk in. After class professor Rogers asked you to stay behind so you can explain why you're late. "Professor, I'd like to officially apologise for being here so late, I forgot to set an alarm last night after going to sleep in the early hours of the morning and overslept." You said walking up to his desk.

"It's okay Miss L/N, I'm just concerned because unlike most students you usually show up to class on time and don't party during the week and I wanted to make sure everything was okay." Professor Rogers explained.

"No I didn't party I was trying to finish a creative writing essay for Barnes I've just had so much work to do not only for Barnes but you too it's just been a lot. I honestly don't understand how people finish all the work and also party." You explained earning yourself a chuckle from Rogers at the last part.

"I'll let you in on a secret they don't, they party and forget their work never completing it, but I mean it's good to party sometimes it seems like you need it, to de-stress." He said with a caring smile him and Barnes were your two favourite professors, they were just likeable and it helped that they were so easy to talk to and cared about their students.

"Yeah maybe I will thank you, anyway I need to go because I'm already late for Barnes." You said realising how long you spent talking to professor Rogers.

"Just blame it on me." Rogers said as you left. You were of course late for Barnes and while you were leaving he asked you to talk to him and you weren't surprised in the slightest he hated people being late. "You want to explain why you were nearly twenty minutes late?" Barnes said in a very unimpressed voice to you while people were walking out of the lecture hall.

"Professor Rogers wanted to talk to me." You simply stated and Barnes' whole demeanour changed instantly, this wasn't the first time Rogers made you late for Barnes' lesson.

"What did he want to talk about this time?" Barnes asked while starting to pack up his things.

"Apparently I need to party more." You simply stateu and Barnes laughed. You loved when he laughed it was so wholesome.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now