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The whole weekend you spent all your free time with Bucky, you spent most of your time lounging about and relaxing by watching movies cuddled up together, reading books on his balcony cuddled up, and cooking together. The two of you barely left each others sides and when you did it wasn't for long. "I'm going to have to leave a bit earlier today." You started and Bucky pouted his lips making himself look like a sad puppy. "I'm sorry I'd love to stay but I actually need to do some work Steve set me and I promised Peter I'll come round to plan a family vacation." You explained and Bucky's expression didn't change.

"I don't want you to leave." He said pecking your forehead.

"I don't want to leave especially because the next time I'll see you will be at school." You said pouting and Bucky sighed.

"How am I meant to teach a class with you right there and how am I meant to act professional." He said whole kissing you and you gave him a sad smile.

"That's something we'll need to figure out if we want us to work without loosing our job slash education." You said and Bucky nodded you could see he was thinking.

"What are you doing tomorrow after school?" He asked.

"Probably whatever work you set me." You replied.

"Do you want to come over? I'll make dinner, you can study here I'll try not to be a distraction." He said winking at the last part.

"I don't know..." You began knowing that you wouldn't do any studying around him.

"Come on, who can help you with your work more than me?" Bucky asked.

"Steve." You said in a sassy tone to annoy Bucky. His mouth fell open to resemble a massive O and he just sat there shaking his head. You sat up so you weren't leaning on him pushed his jaw back up so his mouth was closed and kissed him.

"You know what maybe date Steve instead." Bucky said playfully and you rolled your eyes.

"Okay I'll see you on Monday then I'm going over to Steve's." You said standing up and Bucky stood up and hugged you from behind kissing your neck all the way up to your ear before whispering. "You're not going anywhere." And spinning you round to kiss you properly.

"Mmm, Bucky I'd love to stay but I genuinely have to leave." You said breaking the kiss apart.

"I'll miss you." He said.

"I'll miss you too see you tomorrow." You said giving him a hug and kissing him before you left. You went straight to visit Peter and May and spend some time with them, you learnt that Tony was down in Washington for business for a week, Peter told you all about school and he also questioned you about the man in your Snapchats and what house you've been at all weekend, you told him nothing avoiding his questions. When you got home you got even more questions from your roommates but you simply replied. "I'm too tired it's a long story." And went to your room to finish the work Steve set you.

Monday felt like it was taking forever, for all of Bucky's lesson you were just waiting for it to end, it seemed like Bucky was doing the same because he even ended the lesson early. You didn't speak to him after the lesson but received a text from him saying "7 at mine for food + study? Sound good?" And you replied with a simple. "Yes."

Bucky didn't lie when he said he won't distract you. You came over set up on his kitchen island while he was in the kitchen cooking that let the two of you talk but also focus individually. "So basically I'm meant to analyse how Fitzgerald uses the light as a character?" You said referring to the book Bucky set to analyse.

"Yeah so write about how it's used as a metaphor for Gatsby's love, how it disappears when Gatsby is with Daisy and stuff like that." Bucky explained without even turning around.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now