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When you next saw Rogers in your History lecture you made a point to say behind and talk to him, as the whole class was leaving you asked "May I talk to you professor?" And he agreed so when the whole class left you said. "I don't mean to intrude on your personal life but you helped me the last time I was sad so I just wanted to say if you need someone to talk to I'm here." You said with a warm smile.

"What? Oh yeah, about that. Thank you for the KitKats I really appreciated them, and I feel like Bucky really appreciated the M&Ms." Steve said returning a warm smile.

"The M&Ms were kind of an apology to him he got angry at me all of a sudden then I said something that was completely out of line and he got both angry and upset and I was buying you the KitKats and bought him M&Ms." You explained.

"Don't take it personally he was having a bad day already and I think he was just worried about me." Steve said kindly.

"I don't know, it felt very personal, anyway I'm late to his class again so I should go before he give me hell." You said before saying bye to Rogers. You tried to quietly sneak into the lecture but everyone looked at you anyway, luckily no one said anything and Barnes kept teaching, his lesson felt very depressing and you could see something was still off with him. After the lecture Bucky didn't bother to ask why you were late like he usually did even though he always knew the answer so you walked out the class feeling sad? At that moment you realised you were somehow growing dependant on spending time with Barnes even if it was a short conversation. You decided not to think about it because you didn't want to give the fact that you were maybe catching feelings for your hot professor. So instead you went to meet Nat for lunch and after you decided to go over to Queens to visit your family. Peter was happy extremely happy to see you, since you started University you barely has time to visit him even though you lived right next to each other. You ended up laying on the floor with Peter just talking about everything. "How come you don't come home as often?" Peter asked honestly.

"I just don't have time, between work and school all I want to do is sleep but I miss you Peter and May, I also miss Tony because even though he works at the uni I barely ever see him."

"Yeah he's been doing loads of stuff at his company so he hasn't been teaching as often he just gets supplies to cover for him apparently." Peter informed you.

"Ah that explains it I'm gonna have to visit him and just sit in his office ditching classes." You said making Peter laugh.

"You can do that?" He asked.

"No but I wish." You said. Not too long after you had to go home so you said goodbye to Peter and May. May asked if you could swing by the university on your way home and give Tony dinner as even though it was already long after lessons finished he was still busy writing up lesson plans for the supply teacher. You agreed of course and went straight to the university when you got to Stark's office you knocked and he told you to walk in, he looked stressed but when he noticed you walked in his face lit up. "Y/N!" He said as a greeting.

"I bring food." You said showing him the Tupperware boxes.

"Aw you're amazing thank you! Did May send you?" He asked as you handed him the food and sat down on a chair on the other side of Tony's desk.

"What you don't think I could do something nice for my... What are you again? Step uncle slash dad slash teacher?"

"You forgot slash genius." He added with a mouthful of food making you laugh.

"Eh I wouldn't say genius." You said and he gave you a look that could kill you before the two of you laughed. "Anyway if you want I can leave Peter said you have loads of work I'd hate to disturb you." You said preparing to leave.

"No, no stay I could use the company I've been slaving away at this computer, I don't even have FRIDAY here to talk to." He complained.

"Oh no, how will the billionaire genius survive without his A.I. system thing." You said sarcastically.

"Funny." He replied with the same level of sarcasm. "Anyway come look at this." He said gesturing for you to move round to his side to the desk so you took your chair and sat down next to him. He showed you some new projects he was working on for Stark Industries and you were actually blown away. You were interupted by a knock on the door. "Come in!" Tony shouted and Bucky walked in you were as shocked to see him -after what he told you about his and Starks relationship- as he was to see you. "Ah Barnes you're here to see the lesson plan I'm guessing." Tony said catching Barnes off guard and making him direct his attention from you back to Stark.

"Uhhh." Barnes started before clearing his throat. "Yes. Yes I am." He said standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"I'm gonna be off then. Bye Tony." You said giving him a hug. "I'll see you whenever you've actually got free time." You said making him laugh. "And bye Professor Barnes." You added and he gave you a slight nod.

"Yeah, yeah, thanks for dinner." Tony said just before you left. The whole interaction left Bucky completely confused. So confused that he had to call Steve after he was done in his meeting with Stark.

"You're close with Stark right?" Bucky asked Steve over the phone.

"Yeah Buck we've been friends since I started working with him why?" Steve asked confused.

"What's his desk with Y/N?" Bucky asked.


"Like what's the relationship between them are they friends? What are they?" Bucky asked.

"Where is this all coming from?" Steve asked still very confused.

"I went to Stark's office today to get the lesson plan for his lesson that I'm covering, and Y/N was in there and they seemed pretty close and apparently they got dinner together today?" Bucky explained.

"Look pal, I wish I could help you but Tony is pretty private like you. All I know is the things I've seen, she's often in his office talking with him they seem to get along and I once saw Y/N crying Infront of his office and when j asked her about it she told me she was going there to hide from the world but it was locked. So I'm guessing they are pretty close. How close I don't know." Steve answered honestly.

"Could they be together as in dating?" Bucky asked feeling a pain in his chest even thinking about this.

"I don't know Buck, why don't you ask her you two seem pretty close as well." Steve said.

"I haven't talked to her since the cinema incident." Bucky said feeling guilty.

"Why?" Steve asked.

"I just don't want to burden her with everything that's happening in my head so until I get back to being good and happy then I'm avoiding her." Bucky simply said.

"Oh Bucky." Steve sighed.

"What?" Bucky asked confused.

"This girl spent hours talking to you when you were all depressed over Dot breaking up with you. I think she can handle broken Bucky she seemed to be doing it pretty well and it was making you get better." Steve explained.

"This is different." Bucky argued.

"Maybe, but I know how much you care about her I'd hate to see you loose it all because you decided to ignore her." Steve explained.

"I'll think about it." Bucky said.

"That's all I ask." Steve said before the two said their goodbyes leaving Bucky sitting in his living room contemplating what to do.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now