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You took profesor Rogers advice and that evening you and Natasha went out to a bar, you even agreed to wearing one of Natasha's dresses which made you look extra hot tonight was about forgetting everything Barnes said and forgetting how someone so mean could be hot. So with the plan being getting drunk enough to forget the two of you set out after having some pre drinks. The bar was crowded but you were able to get drinks and hot guys kept hitting on you and Nat all night, at one moment you were with a guy named Max while Nat was with some guy named Elliott who knows were you only found her when you went over to the bar Max tailing behind you. "Nat!" You shouted so she could hear you.

"Hey Y/N, sorry I left you but you two looked like you were having fun." She said sending you two a wink.

"We were we're just here for drinks." You replied.

"Me too except Elliott's ordering over there." She said pointing down the bar all your eyes went in that direction and that when you and Nat both noticed the same thing.

"Oh my god." You both said in unison at the sight of Professor Barnes, Rogers and Willson on the other side of the bar near where Elliott was standing.

"I'm just a bartender, but thank what would you girls like." The bartender said who obviously came up to you when the two of you expressed your shock at seeing your professors at the bar. You didn't know what you were personally more shocked about, them being at the same bar as you or how Barnes was wearing black jeans and t-shirt that were tight in all the right places and a red leather jacket. But luckily the bartender made you look away before anyone noticed you checking out your professor.

"We'd like two beers please." You said to the bartender.

"I'll pay babe." Max said into your ear before kissing you in the cheek and taking out his wallet.

You were completely unaware of the situation on the other side of the bar.

"After this beer I'm going home." Bucky said to Steve and Sam.

"Oh come on man." Steve said disapprovingly.

"He really is a grumpy old man." Sam added.

"Steve it's been a tough day let me just go home." Bucky said to his best friend hoping he'd understand.

"You know what? No, I get it, today is the worst day of the year Dot dumped your sorry ass boohoo we've all been dumped-" Sam said with annoyance however Steve stopped him.

"Stop. Okay yeah Dot dumped you last night, you're allowed to be sad but you need to get over this in a way that isn't drinking by yourself at home and making your students cry." Steve confronted Bucky.

"Wait what?" Bucky replied I'm confusion.

"Y/N L/N. I found her in the corridor crying over some essay that you told her was terrible and you told her she should quit the course." Steve said making Bucky feel guilty.

"Shit. Sorry. But shit, I know I said that I said worse actually, I just started and couldn't stop I was do fucking rude I was just venting my anger, and I couldn't stop myself I never thought I made her cry, fuck." Bucky said realising how badly he messed up being too concerned with his own feelings to care how he was treating others. "She's such a good student, she didn't deserve that, she's my best student I can't loose her, I need to apologise."

"Sound a little needy there Barnes." Sam said.

"Well it seems like the universe is on your side look over there." Steve said pointing in your direction where you were standing with Nat and Max picking up some drinks from the bar. After you got your drinks you and Max decided to stay at the bar drinking and Natasha and Elliot stayed with you for one drink until Nat asked "hey would it be okay if I left you and Mac Elliott wants to take me home." She whispered making sure you were okay with her leaving and you were so she left, you and Max had a lot more drinks until you were sure you wouldn't remember tonight. "Hey wanna get out of here?" Max asked you as you finished your fifth vodka cranberry if the night. "With you always." You said giving giving him a wink which made him chuckle you were unaware of Barnes judging from the other side of the bar. You left with Max however half way through the cab ride you decided you didn't want to go through with this so you asked the cab driver to stop the cab and you got out to Max's disappointment, he tried to ask for your number but you simply said "no" and began walking. You didn't know were you we're walking but you just walked and somehow ended up stumbling back into the bar roughly one hour after you previously left. "One whatever's strong please." You said to the bartender as you stumbled up to the bar and sat down putting your head on the bar because you couldn't seem to hold it up well anymore. "Hey, are you okay?" You heard a familiar voice say, you looked up to see Barnes.

You Always Hurt The Ones You Love (Teacher! Bucky Barnes X student! reader) Where stories live. Discover now