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Her throat became raw with the thick breaths that were pulsing through it as she closed the bathroom door behind her, her back pressed against it to prevent her knees from giving out. His gravelly voice was still ringing through her ears, igniting the very fire within her that she had worked so hard during the past eight months to put out.

He had looked so different yet so similar to the image of him she had dreamt of every night. His skin was paler, as though the color in his life had been taken from him, and the hallows of his cheeks had been more prominent. Most noticeable was the layer of scruff that had grown over his chin and jaw, which even in her shocked state, she had been desperate to trace her fingers over it.

She was lucky beyond belief that he hadn't recognized her. If he had, she probably would have broken down right then and there in front of him. She had been sure to let her waves of hair fall over her face so he wouldn't see her, and hid her distinctive accent just in case he was able to recognize her voice. Carmen could only imagine the hateful look in his eyes that would darken the emerald green once he saw that it was her, the woman who had stolen so much from him and left without a trace. She was too cowardly to face him after everything she had done.

"Babe?" A knock came to the bathroom, and Carmen felt a relieved sigh leave her lips when she heard Barbara's voice. "Do you need some clothes to change into?"

"Yes," her voice came out as a broken whisper. She cleared throat. "Yes, please."

She pushed her back away from the door and went over to the sink. The rusty faucet creaked as she turned on the warm water, and dipped her hand under it to wash away the blood that was smeared across her palm. She hissed in pain, the cut stinging as the warm water seeped into it. The crimson liquid stained the water as it filled up the sink and went down the drain. As she washed the blood slowly recede, she was reminded of the dark wine that had been his favorite. Pinot Noir.

You will go out tonight and forget him, she told herself, hoping it wasn't a lie. Maybe she would have to ignore her no drinking rule for the night, for alcohol was certainly something she needed.

A knock came to the door again and she turned off the faucet.

"Give me a sec!" She tossed the towel in the trash can and wiped her hands against her apron, a habit, and moved to the door. Grabbing a fresh towel, she wrapped it around her hand to cover the welt, the pain reduced to a slow ache now.

"Thank you so much," she gushed as she cracked the door open, taking the folded clothes from her coworker. She tried to ignore the throb in her hand that intensified each time she moved it.

"Of course," Barbara smiled. "I'll wait outside and call us a taxi." She turned on her heel and Carmen shut the bathroom door.

The clothes consisted of a low cut top and flowy, black skirt. Months ago, Carmen would have been reluctant to wear such an outfit, but now her taste had accommodated her new lifestyle. She slipped on the top and tugged up the skirt, feeling comfortable and sexy in the clothes. Her eyes drifted to the mirror in the bathroom and her teeth chewed at her lip as she stared into the cold dark eyes looking back at her.

She was beautiful, she was well aware of that. But now there was a resurfaced sense of vulnerability in the depths of her black orbs, which the sight of Harry had brought out. She blinked her eyes rapidly, as if to erase him from her mind, and to regain her collected composure. He was no longer a part of her life, she had to remember. He was out in New York doing whatever it was he was doing, and obviously he had moved on. The girl who was sitting with him, even in the short time Carmen had seen her, displayed the exact qualities that Carmen lacked. Kindness, selflessness, stability; these were things that she would never have, and Harry deserved a woman who could provide him with such.

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