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Five months later

The seagulls caw over my head as I make my way barefooted across the sand.

It is warm between my toes and I leave a trail down the beach as I walk in the late afternoon light.

The sun is blazingly bright, it's warmth touching my skin and wrapping me in its welcoming embrace. The breeze dances through my hair and my light blue sundress flaps around my legs.

I've never felt so at peace as when I first arrived here.

Everyone else in Florida was complaining about the December chill in the air while I'd been sure I'd never been more comfortable someplace so open and warm.

Now, late April, the heat is intoxicating. I sleep with the bedroom window in my apartment wide open, letting the morning air drift in to wake me slowly with each new day.

I've never been somewhere so open. The land is flat as the eye can see, just the sprinkling of resorts and hotels jutting up into the sky to break up the endless landscapes.

As I stare out at the ocean, it still holds just as much wonder as it had the first day I'd laid eyes on it.

I've never seen something so all encompassing and vast. The way I can look out at it on a sunny day and stare in awe at the way the sky just blends into the water on the horizon.

Right here, at the edge of the water, sitting on a towel with my toes dug deep into the sand, I've found my happy place. A place that feels welcoming and safe and calm even as the waves thrash together and spit sea foam up the coastline.

"Figured you'd be here." I turn my head, shielding my eyes from the sun to look up at him.

He's a sight to be seen with the sun blazing around his head, making his hair look more blonde than brown. Like a halo around him.

Only Aries could be so beautiful to distract me from the ocean. His crystal clear blue eyes shine, and his smile lines around his mouth deepen as he looks down at me.

"Do you think I'll ever get sick of it?" I ask as I scoot over to share my towel with him.

He sits close beside me, his shoulder touching mine.

"Nah." He shakes his head, his hair flying wildly around his face and he laughs, shaking it back and putting on his hat. "I don't think you will."

Down the beach from us a couple is taking selfies in front of the ocean, both dressed in white. While on the other side a large family starts to pack up their chairs and umbrellas, beckoning their kids out of the water.

All around us is so much life. People are here to make memories. To take pictures to share with their friends and families back home. To escape their every day lives and finally get a break from all of the chaos that comes along with it.

I grin as I watch them all.

I don't think I will get sick of this.

For them, this is a destination. This is a place to come and unwind while the salty air revitalizes their senses.

For me, it's home.

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