Chapter 3.

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"Good morning me hearties. Clear skies today again. Seems like the weather is in our favor." I said with a smile as I got on the deck to where the men ate breakfast.

"Aye Captain." They said.

"Jack left, right?" I asked Finlay who was just finishing up his meal and he nodded in return.

"Now boys, we have no time to waste. Let's set sail to Kraken Island." I folded my arms as the men got to their feet and scurried to their positions, all disregarding their nearly finished meals.

"Isn't Kraken Island where sea monsters lurk?" One man whose name was Horace, from the group that newly joined us, asked.

"It sure is." Davy replied him. They caught me looking at them and dispersed to busy themselves with something else.

Kraken Island. I haven't ventured through there in months. There are all kinds of creatures there. It's best for you to escape them rather than to fight. I've killed my fair share of sea monsters but only the ones I couldn't avoid. I wasn't really worried about the creatures because as long as you avoid them, most won't attack you. It was Kraken who bothered me.

That's why the route was named Kraken Island. This beast could not be defeated. It had plentiful scars on its body, but it was just un-killable. It always caused trouble for pirates as it sank ships and killed them... I was determined to keep every member on board alive, no matter what.

About an hour into our sail, a man from the Crow's Nest called out to me. "Captain! Code Blue!" My eyes widened and I moved to Bastian and Edward.

"Prepare the Chase Gun." They nodded and walked down the stairs.

"Captain. What does Code Blue mean?" Davy asked me.

"Rogue Pirates." Was all I said before I climbed to the Crow's Nest and looked through the spyglass to see the familiar blue flag that all rogue pirates had.

I got down and immediately started dishing out orders. "I'll try to talk it out with them. If they so much as fire at Lady Gilda, scuttle. But wait for my signal before you fire the canon. Understood?"

"Aye Captain."

The ship soon came into sight and stood a few feet away from ours before a plank was placed between our ship and theirs. A man began to walk on the plank and I raised my palm at him, causing him to stop moving.

"It's rude to suddenly come on one's ship without permission, yer know." I said with a smirk. The man was tall and muscular but not as muscular as the man that killed Ronan. Multiple scars lined his face and when he smiled, the yellow was prominent.

"Where's yer Captain, little missy?" He said and started to walk again. I unsheathed my sword and faced the tip toward him.

"I'm the Captain. Say what yer have to from there." The smirk was off my face and he suddenly began laughing.

"Yer the Captain?" His eyes trailed my body slowly and he licked his lips. I could feel my breakfast making its way up my throat at his actions.

"I'm sure yer would have more fun with me than with these lads." He winked at me and I pressed my sword into his neck until it started to bleed.

"If yer leave now, me crew, and I will spare yer." He removed the grin from his face and whistled a short tune.

"Yer lost yer chance to have me, sweetheart." His men were stationed behind him with weapons and I heard the sound of a canon before Lady Gilda took the hit. The ship rocked from the impact and my blood started to boil.

"Now!" I shouted and my men brought out their weapons preparing for the inevitable fight that was about to commence.

The yellow-toothed man brought out his huge cutlass and swung it at me. I quickly dodged and walked backward, off the plank.

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