Chapter 4.

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"Blimey Captain! I thought we lost yer!" Finlay yelled rather loudly in my ears as he helped me get to my feet.

"I'll lose me eardrums at this rate instead." I said quietly as I walked on the deck. I examined Lady Gilda and she didn't look too damaged. We'd lost a sail and cracked a corner on the deck but other than that we seemed fine.

It was a miracle that the ship was still in good shape.

I looked around and noticed we were still on the sea not washed up on some random island. We seemed to still be on the right track to the treasure.

"Let's do a headcount." This was absolutely necessary to make sure no man was missing. Five minutes later, we had confirmed that everyone was present. That was the most important thing for me and I was glad I didn't have to mourn another of my men.

"We already faced the worst that could happen on these seas. We're so close hearties, so close to the treasure. Tend to your wounds and have some breakfast, we leave in 10 minutes." I dishes out the orders and walked back to my room.

I walked past my desk and sat on my bed. On a smaller table beside my bed, a mirror sat. I picked it up and examined my body. I had bruises and scratch marks from Kraken and a now purple mark on my forehead. My head must've made contact with the wheel or something.

I rubbed at it a little before stripping out of my very torn clothes. I was just putting on my jacket when I heard a knock on the door.

"We're all set to go Captain." Finlay said.

I nodded and grabbed my hat off the table along with my map and walked to the deck with Finlay. "Head straight North, Finlay."

I said and he immediately began stirring the ship. The crew had attempted to fix the sail that had broken by tying it with ropes and it was holding for now. I hope we don't have to face any more storms or else Lady Gilda might actually give out.

"Aye Davy and co." I placed my hand on the scar-face man's shoulder and sat on a stool where they were gathered.

"Captain Lana." Was all they said in response.

"The storm must've shaken you lads up, aye?" I said trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"It sure did. I didn't think we'd make it out alive." Horace said.

"The storm was a fright but what was even worse was Kraken." Another man said while shivering slightly, possibly remembering yesterday's terrifying events.

"I didn't know they named the route after the monster." Davy said folding his arms with the permanent serious look on his face.

"Many don't know until they actually pass through. That's if they escape alive." I replied and got to my feet.

"Kraken Island. Also termed Davy Jones' Locker." I added with a smirk and the men let out gasps. I walked towards the front end of the ship while hearing their remarks.

"No wonder. Many people get killed by the monster or the storm." They discussed among themselves before I tuned them out and focused on the huge rock that we were nearing.

"Slow it down Finlay!" I yelled as we arrived at the rock.

My eyes widened in admiration as we got even closer and noticed it wasn't just a rock, but was indeed a waterfall. I adjusted my hat on my head as my men all got to their feet to admire it.

"Boys. I think we might've found it." I said with a wide grin on my face. I rolled open the map and saw the diagram of the waterfall on it matched the one in front of us.

"Ha ha." I laughed and jumped up and down practically squealing. I looked back at the men who stared at me with wide eyes and confused expressions and cleared my throat, immediately composing myself.

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