Chapter 14.

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"My goodness, Alistair! You're awake!" Pearl said enthusiastically when she emerged from the lake in the forest.

"I am. How are the twins and everyone else? Were they any casualties?" Alistair replied with multiple questions.

"Everyone's okay. The girls they captured had minor scratches but healed almost immediately. You were the only one who had major injuries. How's your head? You took a nasty blow to the back of it back then." Instinctively, he rubbed the back of his head and twisted his neck side to side.

"Thanks to you I don't feel any pain." He told her.

"How'd you know I used my magic on you?" She questioned with a smile.

"If you didn't, I wouldn't be walking around like this." They both chuckled at his statement before Alistair took on a serious look.

"Tell me everything that happened 5 days ago."

"Melody and Marina were racing with each other. They seemed to have lost track of time and didn't realize they had ventured into pirate territory. They popped their head out on the surface to better observe their environment and that was when a net was thrown in, capturing them. The ship then sailed in the direction they came from and they ended up capturing three more girls." Pearl explained.

"So they have a rough idea of where you all are located?" Alistair asked with folded arms and Pearl sighed.

"It's possible. What if they sneak up on and attack us?" Pearl shared her worry that has no doubt been on her mind.

"They won't be able to, not for a few days. Me and Alistair's team dealt major damage to both their ship and members. Some if not most are probably in the hospital receiving treatment as we speak." I tried to relieve her worries.

"It still means that they could attack. It's been days since the last one. If Rick shares information about you with other pirates, this place would be swarming with them."

"But he won't. He's far too greedy to do that."I added to Alistair's comment and he nodded.

"That's right. That's the main reason we fell out. He always let his greed cloud him." He spoke as if remembering a bitter memory.

"We have to act now. Rick could send some more of his pirates to infiltrate while he's recuperating. He might even come here himself since days have passed. He would do whatever it takes to get his hands on mermaids even if it means his limbs would be cut off. There's only one thing we can do now." Pearl and I watched Alistair with complete focus and annoyance for Captain Greed.

"We move you all to safety." Alistair finished while Pearl had a torn look on her face.

"We have to move again?" Pearl asked him.

"Again? Yer all have moved from somewhere else before?" I voiced out for the first time in a while.

"The existence of mermaids was getting wider spread and more people are curious to find them and by people I mean Pirates."

"And also fishermen. I was caught in one's net. That's how me and Alistair's met." Pearl chipped in. I was mute but nodded at them to show I was listening.

"I helped the mermaids in moving here when the fishermen figured out about their existence. Once any of them sight a mermaid, they scour the entire place till they find their home." My heart went out to the mermaids.

Why couldn't they just leave these ladies alone? To think about them changing homes constantly just so they can exist, without getting killed or exploited, shows how much of a bad nature we humans have.

"I really love this place. The island. And the way this lake stretched out to the ocean is highly convenient for us. The forest, Alistair, and the crew. I don't think we'll ever find somewhere as great as here." Pearl spoke so sadly. I looked around the forest and felt the soft breeze that blew.

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