the one with the breast milk

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third person pov

"okay, these were unbelievably expensive, and I know he's gonna grow out of them in like, 20 minutes, but I couldn't resist!" monica exclaims, running out of her room with a tiny bag, with tiny nike sneakers inside. on the sofa, carol and susan sat with ben, gianna, chandler, and joey beside them. it was squishy, but not too much as gianna was practically sitting on chandler's lap. 

"oh! look at these!" phoebe squeals, taking the shoes from monica and showing ben. "hey, ben. just do it!" right as phoebe starts showing off the shoes, ben begins to cry. "oh my god, oh, ok, was that too much pressure for him?" 

"wow, is he hungry already?" susan coos, putting a pillow underneath ben's head as carol adjusts in order to breastfeed. gianna is mesmerized by ben, tickling his toes almost on her lap. 

"i guess so..." as carol exposes her breast slightly to breastfeed ben, chandler turns his head slightly. 

"you know, it's..." he pauses, catching a glimpse of carol "...something funny about sneakers, i'll be right back." gianna barely acknowledges chandler standing, sitting back down on the sofa beside carol. 

"uh...uh...uh i got to get one too." joey stammers, following closely behind chandler to the kitchen. rachel and monica slide in beside gianna, watching as ben feeds. 

"hey, what are you guys doing?" ross asks, following joey and chandler into the kitchen as they speak in hushed whispers. 

"we're just hanging out by the spoons..." chandler answers, glancing back, "...and the ladle." 

"look, will you guys grow up? this is the most natural, beautiful thing in the world." ross explains, gesturing towards the girls huddled around carol and susan. 

"yeah, we know, but there's a baby sucking on it." joey argues and ross gives him a look. 

"this is my son having lunch, okay? it's going to happen a lot so you better get used to it. if you have any problem with it, if you're uncomfortable, just ask questions. carol's fine with it. come on." ross ushers the boys back into the living area where the girls were fawning over the baby boy. 

"carol? i was just wondering if joey could ask you a question about breastfeeding?" chandler diverts their attention from him onto joey standing beside him. the girl's eyes were watching the boy's every move. 


"uh...does it hurt?" he winces, watching carol on the sofa. 

"oh, it did at first, but not anymore." carol answers politely, keeping a gentle hold of ben's hand. the girls smile at each other, still wrapped in the magical baby's face. 

"oh. chandler?" 

"so, often can you do it?" he stammers, avoiding eye contact and swiping his foot across the carpet. gianna smiles softly up at him, furrowing her brows slightly at his apprehension. 

"as much as he needs." 

"oh, oh, okay, i got one. i got one." joey adds, nodding his head. ross feels a proud swell in his chest before joey speaks. "uh...if he blows into one, does the other one get bigger?" 

"get out. get out." ross repeats, chandler and him pushing joey back into the kitchen. the girls shake their heads with smiles on their faces before their attention returns back to ben as his mums. 


later, everyone was seated around the coffee house except ross. julie sat with the group, mindlessly talking with monica and phoebe. 

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