the one where mr heckles dies

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third person pov

everyone except gianna and chandler were playing card games in the evening, chatting quietly amongst themselves. the front door opens and chandler slams it shut behind him. 



"so, how was joan?" monica asks, watching chandler as he walks around the sofa to them. 

"broke up with her." chandler mutters, taking a seat on the armchair. rachel and monica glance at each other briefly. 



"don't tell me. because of the big-nostril thing?" ross questions, raising an eyebrow at chandler. 

"they were huge." he nods, gesturing with his hand. "when she sneezed, bats flew out of them." 

"oh, come on. they were not that huge." rachel argues, shaking her head in disbelief. 

"i'm telling you. she leaned back, i could see her brain." he continues complaining. 

"how many perfectly fine women are you going to reject over the most superficial insignificant things?" monica makes a good point, and the rest of the group nods. 

"hold it, hold it." joey interrupts, holding a hand up to stop monica. "i got to side with chandler on this one. when i first moved to the city, i went out a couple of times with this girl." he pauses, gaining everyone's attention. "really hot, great kisser, but she had the biggest adam's apple. eww! drove me nuts!" joey complains, screwing up his face slightly. 

"you or me." chandler glances to ross, and he nods. 

"i got it." ross turns to face joey before continuing. "uh, joey, women don't have adam's apples." joey glances at the girls confused, watching them crane their necks to show off. 

"you guys are messing with me, right?" joey laughs, pointing at them all. 


"we are!" 

"that was a good one!" joey laughs, slapping his knee. "for a second there, i was like, whoa." as joey continues, to laugh, the girls look at chandler once again, ready to interrogate him. 

"but, chandler, c'mon on, these women are perfectly fine-" as rachel starts talking, the front door opens and a windswept gianna steps inside. the room goes silent as she places her coat on the coat hooks. 

"hey, guys, what's going on?" gianna's questions slowed the further she stepped into the kitchen, realising how quiet everyone was. 

"we were just talking to chandler about his date with joan." joey nods, explaining to his sister. gianna closes the fridge door, drink in hand. she could feel the tension in the room, her heart beating fast. 

"oh, how-uh, how was it?" she smiles softly, glancing at chandler. he was in just as much shock as she was. the group exchanges a look, watching the pair stare at each other for a second. 

"i, uh, it was fine." gianna nods gently, wandering around the sofa and towards the bathroom. 

"that's great." gianna was 100% lying. 


"so, you name one woman that you broke up with for an actual real reason." phoebe says, handing beers out to the boys. 

"maureen rosillo." chandler sighs, taking a swig of his beer. rachel and gianna leaned on the back of the sofa together, watching the group in the kitchen. 

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