Chance Encounter

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Nick must have been a good entertainer because Jenny was screaming all night long. You tried drowning it out with your headphones, but it was no use. She was too loud. You didn't want to hear the woman you loved for years get railed by a guy you just met...

So you left. You got up and walked the length of the beach. It was so peaceful at night that you could almost forget it was a tourist trap.

A sea breeze blew in, sending ripples across the dark waters. The reflection of the moon on the ocean's surface was the only sign the water and sky were separate. You shivered, a little chilly. You had walked out of the cottage without shoes or a jacket, not wanting to disturb your guests.

That's when you heard it. A scream pierced through the quiet. Instantly panicked, you quickly patted down your thighs. It seemed you forgot your phone back at the cottage as well. It was too far for you to run back and retrieve, too.

Another shriek rang out in the night. Cursing, you ran in the direction it was coming from. Your feet carried you to the nearby marina. You looked into each of the boats you passed, looking for the source of the commotion, when you finally found it.

There was a man on a boat wielding a harpoon, about to stab a girl hanging up in a fishing net. She was screaming at the top of her lungs, struggling to no avail.

You acted without thinking, jumping on the attacker's back, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck in an attempt to choke him out. He tried to grapple with you, tried to stab you with his harpoon, but failed on both fronts. Eventually, he fell.

You held on a couple seconds longer to make sure he was really unconscious and not just faking it. Then you hopped up to help the girl and froze

The being caught in the net was indeed a girl but not a human girl. If you didn't know any better, you'd call her a mermaid.

She'd stopped struggling and started... Singing. Her voice was hauntingly beautiful, reverberating as if the two of you were in a stairway, but it didn't shake you from your discovery.

Her skin was black. Not a deep brown, but truly black, like ink. She had spots of aquamarine where humans might have freckles. She had no real eyebrows, just large dots of aquamarine in their place, like her freckles but larger.

Her hair hung in beachy waves through the holes in the net. It was black as her skin except for the ends, which were bright aquamarine. It reminded you of an anglerfish lure.

With her hair wet and clinging to her head, you could see she had huge webbed fins where a woman would have had ears. And she had these growths -spines, maybe?- coming out of her head, resembling a crown.

You found the slope of her jawline and cheekbones incredibly alluring... Even if she had very little nose to speak of, barely a bump on her face with two narrow, angled nostril slits.

What she lacked in a nose, she made up for in teeth. They were enormous, all pearly white and sharpened to points. The largest of her teeth were her canines, giving her the appearance of massive fangs.

The only thing bigger than her teeth were her eyes. You once heard eyes described as being wide as saucers, but hers were the only ones you thought might come close in size. You weren't even sure you could judge their true size in the dark, because her lashes and sclera were black as her skin. Her glowing, aquamarine irises were as large as a normal human's entire eyeball, however.

She had the torso of a human woman, complete with bare breasts. You quickly, politely, looked away. Below the waist she had a long tail. Her hands, gripping the sides of the net, had long, webbed fingers tipped with black talons.

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