Home Sweet Boat

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Seren was right there the instant you emerged from the water's surface. She grabbed your face in both her webbed hands, flattening her palms to keep her talons from digging into you, and reeled you in like a fish. Then she kissed you, passionately, like she'd been waiting her whole life to do so.

Before, her kiss made your heart pound, your knees go weak, and your stomach flutter. Now, you felt nothing. It felt like you had spent hours in the chilly ocean waves. You were numb to the cold, numb to her advances.

You didn't reciprocate. You never did. Instead, you held yourself still as a doll, lifeless as a dead fish. You didn't want her to take any more pleasure from the gesture than she already did. It felt like an eternity before she released you, traded her hold on your face for a grip on your waist.

"I knew you'd make the right choice. I knew you'd choose me," she breathed cheerfully, as if she didn't coerce you into this.

"What else could I have done?" You were asking her as well as the universe as a whole. Was another way out of this, in which no one else died?

"You humans, so sentimental! It's not necessarily a bad thing. You've got a big heart." She leaned forward to press fleeting little kisses to your forehead, eyes, nose, and chin. Everywhere but your mouth, like she was saving the best for last. She locked your mouths together again, kissing you deeply. "And now it's mine," she whispered as she pulled away, voice sultry.

Everything moved so fast after that. Once you were in her grasp, she undulated her tail, propelling you down the line of boats. She stopped at one of the house boats, lifted you up and onto the deck.

"Look around," she encouraged you. "Do you like it? This one looked the nicest. I want only the best for my Y/N."

What happened to the original owner? You wondered. Were they gone for the season, in the water with the rest of the resort-goers, or eaten by Seren?

Maybe there was a GPS on board. Maybe they could track down and retrieve their houseboat, and you with it. A girl could only hope.

You had to admit, it was beautiful, especially now that the sun was starting to go down. With all the lights on, it looked like a floating lantern. The walls were mostly glass, some frosted and some clear, with wood lining.

Under Seren's watchful gaze, you pitter-pattered through the four rooms. It had the bare essentials of a house: a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. The kitchen and living room weren't separated by a wall, allowing a more open layout. The boat cockpit was located in the living room.

Useless without the keys, you noted, fingering the keyhole. Maybe they had extra keys somewhere on the boat? That would be your easiest escape route. Wait until Seren went to sleep for the day and just drive off in the direction of land.

"You won't need to worry about that," Seren called from off the side. "I'll be pulling the boat along."

"You can do that?" You asked incredulously.

"Of course! Sirens have dense musculature and insulated fat to survive harsh ocean depths. So even smaller sirens like me possess titanic strength."

You could do much more than blink at her. There wasn't enough time to unpack all of that, so you moved on in your inspection of the boat.

It had no upper deck. The roof was likely covered in solar panels so the house could exist off-grid. The kitchen stove and bathroom water heater appeared to be electric and not gas, so that was good.

You guessed from the gurgling heard when you turned on the kitchen sink that it probably had a seawater desalination system as well as a freshwater tank.

"There's not a lot of food in the kitchen," you said. It only contained a few snacks. Which... Fair. There wasn't much cabinet space, and the fridge was no bigger than the one you had in your dorm room back at college.

"That's fine. As your mate, I will provide for you," Seren replied with a massive grin. The light shone on each of her sharp pearly whites.

How chivalrous... You thought sarcastically, openly scowling. You wouldn't need to be provided for if she weren't kidnapping you, stealing you away from land for a life at sea.

"Are you ready to go?" She asked at last.

No! You wanted to scream and cry, lash out like a small child. But that wouldn't get you out of this. You had to use your head, keep your wits about you. Instead, you took a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth and nodded.

Seren dove under the water and, less than a minute later, the boat was moving away from the dock and out towards the open ocean. You wondered how it was moving with the anchor still down, until you realized she was pulling the boat along by the anchor. That was some Hulk-level super strength.

As the houseboat moved further and further out to sea, you stood on the deck with your feet pointed towards land. This isn't goodbye, you told yourself. I'm coming back. This isn't goodbye. I'm coming back.

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