Siren's Song

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Following your discovery, you turned tail and ran back to your grandma's cottage.

This wasn't right. This wasn't real. You wanted to return home and find Jenny sipping on a slushie from the dining room table, sunbathing on the beach, anything.

You tore the place apart looking for her. Maybe you missed something... A note saying she'd gone boating with a DILF or bummed a ride from some other sad sap willing to buy her alcohol. You found nothing. Still, you sat in the living room and, like a fool, waited for her to return.

When hours flew by and still there was no sign of her, you gave up hope. Jenny really was dead, and she wasn't coming back. That's when the guilt set in. If you never brought up your friend Jenny to Seren, would she still be alive? If you realized Seren was a siren sooner and stopped seeing her, could you have prevented Jenny's death?

By the time the sun had gone down, all you felt was rage. You needed to confront Seren... If not for Jenny and all the others she killed, then at least for yourself.

You let the back porch door slam behind you and took off down the beach towards the marina. It was roped off with police tape, but there was no one there to bar you entrance, so you ducked under the yellow tape and walked right in.

"You're a siren," You whispered as you stood on the edge of the docks. You were shivering but not just from the cold.

You thought for a moment that you were all alone, until a woman's head emerged from the waters below. "Of course I am!" She said, as if it were no secret, as if she wasn't a monster. "What did you think I was?"

"A mermaid, for Christ's sake! Certainly not a..." You always had a habit of seeing the best in people. You had to in order to love Jenny despite her narcissism. You never would have thought... But that was just the thing, wasn't it? You never thought. "You came here for my answer, didn't you? Well, my answer is no."

There was a splash and then Seren was pulling herself up onto the dock. It was the first time since the moment you met her that she looked like a wild animal, something feral. Normally she was the pinnacle of composition and grace. Now she was growling, "Why?! Give me one good reason!"

"You know why!" You shouted, taking several steps back. You were safe as long as you stayed out of her reach. She was slow and vulnerable on land. Your hands were itching for a harpoon, a fillet knife, something right about now. If only you never saved her that fateful night. Then Jenny would still be alive and breathing. "You killed Jenny!"

"I had to. She was my rival. You still harbored feelings for her. I needed to show that I was the better mate," she said simply, like you were being unreasonable in thinking there was any reality in which she and Jenny could coexist.

You let out a huff of a laugh. "And what about the other dozens of people who have disappeared from around here? Were they your rivals too?" You thought back to the layer upon layer of missing persons fliers on the bulletin board in front of Gavin's Store. There were kids on that board, for Christ's sake.

Did she eat them? Or did she just lure them to their deaths for her own amusement?

There was a heartbeat's worth of silence between you both. Then, she reached out to you and crooned, "Dear heart, they weren't important. They were just humans dumb enough to drown themselves in the sea. You're different, though..."

Yes, you knew. You'd always known you were special. You could resist sirens' songs because of the selkie blood that flowed in your veins. Your grandma had tried to warn you, but you dismissed her, didn't listen. And now you were paying the price.

"Goodbye, Seren," you said coldly. "If you really love me, you'll leave this place and never come back." With that final farewell, you turned on your heels and walked away. She called after you, but you ignored her.

This was supposed to be your homecoming... Your blissful reunion with the sea. You understood now why your mom never came back to her mother's cottage. Staring out on the open ocean, that skyline that stretched on forever, brought back too many painful memories.

The sight of Jenny's corpse was still fresh in your mind. You'd be happy if you never saw a body of water again.

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