Abandon All Hope

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Three weeks. Seren left you on your own, without food or company, going on three weeks. You kept track of time by carving tally marks into the wood of the deck. You tried to make what little food you had last... But after the first week, the kitchen was out of snacks and you began to starve.

You still hadn't found any way back to land. You didn't think your boat had moved an inch since your fight with Seren... Still, the other boats seemed to get further and further away by the day. Almost as if your anchor rode had been cut and the tide was carrying you out to sea.

You thought you were lucky. You thought you were free. You were wrong.

It wasn't Seren who was keeping you trapped. It was your first love, the Sea. Even though Seren let you go, the Sea wouldn't. If you tried to escape, tried swimming to shore, you would most certainly die in Her embrace.

Drowning was not how you wanted to die.

You'd rather starve to death. And you likely would. It couldn't be long now.

You'd felt dizzy for a while, on the verge of fainting all the time. One day you passed out in the shower and nearly cracked your head open. You were too weak to move much after that. You crawled across the deck, naked and on all fours, and climbed into bed. For days you just laid there, drifting in and out of consciousness.

You had just about given up all hope. No one was coming to save you.

That's when you heard her.

"Y/N," she called. Seren. But that was impossible. Seren had abandoned you, left you for dead in the middle of this God-forsaken ocean. It must have been an auditory hallucination. You didn't even bother opening your eyes, still half-asleep.

At least that was until you felt the mattress beside you dip, a cool palm caress your jaw. "Y/N," you heard her coo. Stirring from your slumber, your eyelids fluttered open.

Her visage was absolutely radiant, just as exquisite as the first time you laid eyes on her.

"Seren?" You asked, your voice wavering and crackling like an old radio. Other than screaming for help to any boat even remotely in shouting distance, you hadn't talked much in the last few weeks. Reaching out one shaky hand, you smoothed a hand over her hair. It felt just the way you remembered it. Not soft or coarse, but rather rubbery.

She gave you a Cheshire cat grin, showing off all her razor sharp, pearly white teeth. "Yes, dear heart. How could I forget about you?" Easily, it seemed. It had been nearly a month since you last laid eyes on her. "This time apart has got me thinking. I can't live without you, and you can't live without me. You understand that now, don't you?"

Even through your hunger-induced haze, you recognized this for what it was. A manipulation tactic. If you were stubborn and said no, she would leave again and you just might die out here. There was no winning against her. You were in her territory, and she had every advantage.

Tears welled up in your eyes and you sunk your teeth into your lower lip to keep from sobbing.

"Don't cry!" She laughed, sweeping her palms across your cheeks to wipe away your tear tracks. The proximity of her talons to your eyes made you flinch back. If she noticed, she elected to ignore your reaction. "Please don't cry. I'm here now, and I'll never leave you alone again."

After you finally finished weeping, she said, "Hey, hey, look what I brought you!" She gestured behind her, where a net full of fish laid on the bedroom floor.

Now that got your attention. You tried and failed to sit up on your own. Seren had to help you. You were about as feeble as a newborn kitten.

That wasn't the only way she helped either. Once you were upright, leaning back against the headboard for support, she retrieved one of the fish from her net and used her claws to splay it open from gill to fin. You were too shaky to hold a knife. If you tried to fillet it yourself, you might get seriously hurt.

Then she spread it out like an offering and dipped into it, curling her fingers into the marbled fat and stripping it off the tiny bones before holding it out to you. Clear blood dripped into the webbing of her hand.

Normally you'd be repulsed by the thought of raw fish, but your stomach just grumbled in anticipation.

But when you reached out for the bit, Seren pulled her hand away with a smirk.

You felt your heart sink. "Seren, don't tease me," you whimpered.

She gently shushed you before offering the fish once more. The gesture was slow and deliberate. Your throat went dry with understanding, and shame threatened to bloom inside of you.

You gave her the fiercest glare you could manage as you watched her smile widen and expose the pointed tips of her teeth. She had all night. You were starving. You both knew how this would end.

You wanted to be stubborn. You really did... But hunger had a way of dulling one's will. Right now, you were willing to do a lot of humiliating things for food. So you swallowed your embarrassment, leaned forward, and let your mouth fall open like that of a baby bird.

You ought to have closed your eyes so you didn't have to see her smug face. She looked so damn pleased with herself that it was borderline offensive.

Still, she didn't pull away again, instead pushing the morsel between your lips. The fish was so fresh that it seemed to melt on your tongue. It had a rich, buttery taste that wasn't completely masked by the bitterness of your defeat.

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