Cheater, Cheater

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It turned out that Jenny wasn't interested in crabbing. She was more into sunning herself in her bikini on a chaise lounge. "The only crab I like are king crab legs," she told you before taking a long sip of sangria. "Mmm... Nick, go pick some up for dinner tonight." Her boyfriend dutifully got up from his seat on the sand, brushed himself off, and left to do her bidding.

You pouted like a child and gave her puppy eyes. "That doesn't mean you can't, darling," she cooed, handing her glass to you for you to take a drink. You were careful to place your mouth exactly where hers had been. "It's kinda cute... Like kittens playing in yarn! Go out and bring mama home a big haul!"

Before you left for the rock jetties, you stripped down to your bathing suit and let Jenny rub you down with sunscreen. Going out without sunscreen caused premature wrinkles, apparently. You just didn't want to get burned.

You probably could have done it yourself, but you wouldn't deny an opportunity to get her hands all over you. It was one of the best experiences of your life. Her touch was better than any you ever felt.

You were getting distracted. Crabbing! Yes, that was your quest. Jenny wanted to see crabs and, by Jove, you would show them to her.

Bucket of materials in hand, you walked out onto the rock jetty in front of your grandma's cottage, barefoot, in your swimsuit.

You looked over your shoulder occasionally to see if Jenny was watching you. She wasn't. She was laying back on her chaise, face turned to the sky, Wayfarers on as always. A few kids were looking on in fascination, though. Their tired parents were relaxing further up the beach, leaving them to entertain themselves.

"Hey, you ever gone crabbing?" You asked the gathered children. Over the course of the next hour or so, you showed them the ropes.

You had just enough supplies to make everyone a crabbing tool. You cut an arm's length piece of twine and tied a clothes pin and fishing sinker to one end.

Next you demonstrated how to bait the clothespin. You smashed a mussel open with a rock and clipped the clothespin on the intact half of the shell.

Then you tossed the baited end of the twine over the edge of a rock and into the water. They all watched in amazement as, a minute later, you pulled a wiggling crab, still greedily clutching onto the open mussel, out of the water and into your bucket. You shook him off the bait, before picking him up from the back and showing him off.

They were absolutely enraptured.

They rapidly got a hang of it. The mussels you collected ran out quickly, but some of the younger kids without the patience for fishing were able to find a few more. You ooohed and ahhhed over the size and color of each crab they caught. The largest crab captured was as long as your face.

In the end, you let them keep the crabbing tools you made for them in exchange for the bucket of crabs. You may not have crabbed at all yourself, but you still wanted to show Jenny something.

She wasn't on the beach by the time you were done. You stashed the bucket of crabs on the back porch. They had water and the remains of all the bait, so they would be okay for at least a day. You could release them back into the ocean before you went to bed.

"Jenny?" You called as you entered the house. That was when you heard retching from the bathroom and came running. "Jenny! Oh my god! Are you okay?" You moved to hold her hair back as she threw up into the toilet.

She lifted her head up and gave you a drunken smirk. "Yeah, yeah, darling... Just too much sun and sangria." She spat into the toilet one last time before moving to stand up. She got her legs under her but wavered like a newborn fawn.

"Let's get you to bed," you sighed. With that, you helped her to her feet. Then you frogmarched her up the stairs and into the guest room she and Nick were staying in. She fell on the bed of her own volition, groaning into the bedsheets.

"You're my very best friend... You know that, right, Y/N?"

Your heart jumped up into your throat and started beating faster. She rolled over on the mattress and propped herself up on her elbows. The smile she gave you was anything but innocent. "Yeah, I know that."

"No one else treats me the way you do. Not even fucking Nick. You treat me like I'm a- like I'm a..."

"Like what?"

"Like I'm a goddess!" She squealed in delight, sprang up into a sitting position like a marionette that had its strings pulled. "I love that about you..."

Now was your moment. If it went poorly, she would forget all about your confession when the alcohol wore off. If it went well, you could try again when she wasn't blackout drunk.

"Jenny, there's something I have to tell you..."

"Tell me later. Kiss me now," she sighed, spreading her legs and reaching forward to entwine her fingers in your hair.

"Jenny, I'm serious!" You whined, tried to pull away from her octopus-like limbs. She did this every time she was drunk. She played with you as if you were a toy, only to toss you aside for a new boy the moment she was sober.

"So am I. Do that thing with your tongue. I like that," she moaned before wrenching your head forward to smash your lips together. Her tongue traced the seam of your mouth. You were reminded instantly of that smashed open mussel, how it still moved a little as you attached it to the clothespin.

You tried to pull your head away, but she wrapped her other arm around your neck. Her grip in your hair was bordering on painful, and not in a good way.

Finally, the fight left you. This was going to happen whether or not you wanted it to. You opened your mouth, let her slide her tongue inside. She tasted like vomit. Sweet vomit. Sadly, you were used to the taste by now.

You let her pull you into bed, let her take off your bathing suit...

Because this was Jenny, your best friend, your only friend, the love of your life... And you were weak to her.


Jenny passed out immediately after the act. That was normal too. You tiptoed out of bed, collected your clothes. She didn't react well to evidence of your playtime. One time, last semester, she woke you out of a dead sleep to throw you out of her dorm room. You had been naked at the time.

It was better not to stir the pot.

Nick didn't appear to have come back yet, so you padded downstairs naked to the shower. You always felt dirty after Jenny used you for her pleasure. Bathing afterward helped ward off those feelings. You made the water so hot that it burned. Tears mixed with the shower spray on your face. You barely realized you were crying.

You fucking coward, you insulted yourself, punching the tiled wall so hard your knuckles split open and bled. Why couldn't you just say it, get it out? You didn't know. But it was hard, so hard.

You took a handful of the salt scrub Jenny brought with her and scrubbed yourself down, scratched at your skin until it was raw. Once your entire body stung as much as your eyes, you rinsed yourself off and stepped out of the stall.

From the sounds in the kitchen just outside, Nick was home. You didn't bring any clean clothes with you, so you were stuck digging through the hamper for something to wear. You found your dirty clothes from yesterday and pulled them on.

Something fell out of your shorts pocket as you buttoned them. You swore under your breath before getting on your hands and knees to look for it. It was probably a coin or something. You wanted to keep the house spick and span while you had guests over.

It wasn't a coin, though. It looked like... Like a tooth. Like a shark's tooth, only bigger. You held it in your hand for a straight minute, turned it over in your palm, before realization struck you.

Mermaids were real.

Seren was real.

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