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By the time the boat slowed to a stop, a day had passed and you couldn't see land anymore. You stayed awake the whole time, kept the shoreline in sight as long as possible. You needed to know what direction to head in once you got away from Seren.

Speak of the devil, you thought as the siren resurfaced near the deck at your feet. She grinned broadly up at you, before saying, "Were you waiting up for me? That's sweet. I'm going to hunt for you, rest for a couple hours, then move us further. But first..." She paused for a moment, reached up to stroke the top of your foot. "Come into the water."

"No," you said, crossing your arms and staring stubbornly down at her. "Why should I?"

"Because the beach is less than a day's swim away for me. I could always make a quick trip and bring you back the head of one of your fellow humans. Maybe one of the little ones." She said it so simply, as if she were stating facts rather than making threats. In reality, she was doing both.

You felt, could almost hear, your teeth grind together in frustration. "You promised to let them go if I went with you!"

"I did, didn't I?" Seren asked, almost to herself. A promise must mean something to her, if not as much as it meant to you. Her head fell to the side as she scanned you from head to toe as if you were a curious creature. "I never said it would be a human from that particular beach, though. Save me the trouble. Come into the water."

"Only if you promise to stop using the lives of other humans against me," you bargained, holding steadfast to the railing when her hand crept up your foot to encircle your ankle with her fingers.

You remembered how easily she dragged the houseboat along by its anchor. She could pull you into the waters quite easily. But you'd go down kicking and screaming.

There was a nasty gleam in her enormous, glowing eyes as she realized this. Still, her smile did not drop. She released your ankle and instead slid her hand up the inside of your leg. The cold and damp of her skin raised goosebumps in its wake.

"Take off your coverings and come into the water. Then I will promise."

You inhaled sharply. Your first, overwhelming reflex was to say no. Even if you were into public exposure, you didn't want this deadly creature so close to your most sensitive and private bits. You instantly thought of Jenny and her many missing pieces.

But if Seren could no longer threaten other people to gain your compliance, wasn't it worth it? So long as you survived with all your parts still attached.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

You sighed through your nose and turned on your heels. Not to walk away, however. No... Once you were facing away from her, you started to disrobe. First your shirt, next your shorts, then your bra, and finally your panties. You left everything on the deck. If nothing in the bedroom closet fit you, they could be your only clothes.

You could practically feel her eyes on you, clinging to all the wrong places. "Turn around," she told you. Her voice was thick as honey and twice as sensual. You shivered in response.

You were too stubborn, too embarrassed, to follow her instructions. Instead, you ran forward -across the bedroom to the other side of the deck- and hopped the railing. You landed in the water painfully, at a weird angle.

It didn't take long for Seren to swim to the other side of the boat. She didn't emerge right away, though. You felt her presence as surely as you would the presence of a shark in the water.

She circled you almost lazily. You suspiciously eyed the aquamarine glow of her eyes, hair, and tail no more than a few feet beneath the water. How good was her eyesight underwater? It couldn't be that good, could it? It was really dark out...

Sinking Woman || Yandere!Siren X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now