Compromise, Compromise

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Your false promise must have done the job because, as your health improved, the houseboat got closer and closer to the coast. Seren's doing, obviously. This ship didn't budge unless she wished it. She was the unstoppable force to your immovable object.

You didn't mention it to her the first couple days... Just in case you were simply seeing things, imagining that thin strip of land on the horizon was getting larger. But no, you were gradually creeping closer to shore, slow but steady as a sea turtle on land.

Your so-called mate couldn't monitor you twenty-four/seven. Once you were closer to land, you could easily swim away while she was resting. Or at least that was your hope.

"You'll have your feet in the sand in a few days' time, dear heart," Seren said once she surfaced, just off the starboard side of the boat. She tilted back in the water and smoothed back flyaway hairs so you had a clear view of her face.

She was ethereal as an angel, so gorgeous it almost hurt to look at her. How could such an evil creature have such a beautiful face? Then again, who ever said the Devil was ugly?

Based on that pompous air, you guessed she caught you gawking. She started to preen but then suddenly stopped.

"Groom me." It was more of a demand than a request. You pursed your lips in annoyance but didn't complain. With any luck, you wouldn't have to put up with this much longer. Plus, her braid was getting a little untidy.

After grabbing your hairbrush from the bathroom, you dangled your legs over the deck, letting the waves lap at your feet as Seren situated herself between them. Once she had made herself comfortable, you released the hair tie and proceeded to unravel and detangle her hair or fish spines or whatever.

You removed the gold hair clips as you worked and let them drop into the water below, sinking to the sea floor. Those were Jenny's hair clips. You never should have gifted them to the siren, you thought, your mouth a thin line of dissatisfaction. She was undeserving of them.

Seren didn't protest the removal of the baubles, seemingly too pleased just to have you behaving like a good little mate.

"Done," you said simply, once you had redone the plait and fastened it again. But when you immediately shifted backwards to distance yourself from the water, she turned around and grabbed hold of your thighs, just below the cuffs of your denim shorts.

You couldn't quite suppress a shudder. She noticed, because of course she did.

"Where are you going?" She cooed, her voice like the sound of flowing water. "Come on in! The water's fine, and I promise not to bite." She gave you a toothy grin while teasingly squeezing the fat and muscle of your upper legs.

It would have been a lot cuter if you couldn't already picture those massive fangs coated in blood. Was she like this with all her prey or just you?

"No," you answered before adding a belated, "Thank you."

"Pretty please? With sardines on top?" You didn't like sardines on pizza, let alone ice cream. The answer was still no. A wave of irritation washed over Seren's expression when she realized the magic word wasn't working the way she wanted it to. "Come into the water, Y/N... Now. While I'm still asking nicely."

What choice did you have?

You slid off the side of the boat and into the chilly embrace of the ocean.

That wasn't enough to satisfy her, however. As soon as you gave her one thing, she immediately wanted another.

"Take this off," she demanded, plucking at the buttons of your Hawaiian shirt. "And these too," tugging at the belt loops of your shorts.


"I don't like them. Now take them off before I rip them off." It didn't sound like you really had a choice in the matter. And, with your wardrobe as small as it was, you couldn't really afford to lose these clothes.

You begrudgingly took them off, tossing the waterlogged materials back onto the deck of the houseboat. You really wished you had worn underwear today.

Seren proceeded to circle you like a vulture, undulating her tail and rubbing her flank against yours. You learned recently that these were all siren courtship rituals. They wouldn't bother you much if you didn't know what they eventually led to.

The first words out of her mouth when she resurfaced were, "Are you ready to couple yet?"

"No, not really," you sighed. You had more time to think about it, instead of just having it -for lack of a better term- thrust upon you. You still didn't like the idea of giving your kidnapper everything she wanted, especially when what you wanted was so easily dismissed.

But if the alternative was her little stint where she tried to drown you, made you totally dependent on her for life-giving air... You might just go along with it. That was something Jenny of all people taught you. It got worse the more you fought it.

"Why not? I know for a fact that humans don't have estrous cycles like dolphins or whales. Why aren't you receptive?" She sounded as curious as she was impatient.

"I don't know, Seren. We're just so different. I don't see how we're compatible."

"I could show you," she all but purred. It came off more as a threat than an offer.

"I don't want that..." Your answer just made her more agitated. You knew you had to give her something, lest she take everything. So you leaned in and kissed her, deep as the Pacific Ocean, just the way she liked. She melted against you like ice cream on hot asphalt.

After your show of affection, Seren seemed contented. She smiled, her touches less urgent and more gentle... "I'll wait for you, for as long as I can," she promised. "If our pair-bond has not been consummated by the time mating season comes... I don't know what I'll do."

Your lips thinned in displeasure just imagining it but, after a dark look from the siren, you forced yourself to smile and nod. You could only hope you were out of her clutches by the time mating season started.

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