Wish Fulfillment

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Somehow, someway, you found yourself on the docks of the marina after sunset. You didn't want to return to your grandma's cottage until you had everything out of your system.

Sadness, embarrassment, disappointment, and frustration poured out of you through your eyes, nose, and mouth. People passing by turned their heads toward you but then quickly looked away, as if you were doing something shameful.

You did your best to comfort yourself, since no one else was up to the task. You patted your cheek, reminded yourself to breathe through all your sobbing. It's okay, sweet girl. You're alright. Maybe if you repeated it to yourself enough it would magically become true.

"I'm a fool to want you... I'm a fool to want you... To want a love that can't be true, a love that's there for others too," you softly sang to yourself. It wasn't a pretty tune by any stretch of the imagination. At least, not coming from you it wasn't. Your voice cracked, rasped, and changed pitch at the wrong time.

Still, it reminded you of happy nights spent cooking with your grandma. She would put a record in her phonograph, usually one of Frank Sinatra -Ol' Blue Eyes, she called him-, crank the handle, and let it play. "I'm A Fool To Want You" was her favorite song.

Anything to stop you from crying anymore. You'd just about bawled your eyes out. Perhaps their puffiness was your body's way of keeping them from falling out of your head. Tears and snot were everywhere. You didn't have the good sense to grab tissues on your way out the door. You were also sweaty. In short, you were disgusting.

Of course, it was at that moment the mermaid, one of the most beautiful creatures you'd ever set eyes on, decided to appear. She rose up from the waters lapping at the dock posts and looked at you with big, glowing eyes. She smiled up to you like a kid on Christmas.

"I'm a fool to want you," she crooned, perfectly on key. Then she took in your red, scrunched up, dripping face, and fell silent. "Dear heart, what's wrong?"

You hiccupped and gasped, tried and failed to rein in your emotions. You needed to talk to someone. It might as well be Seren.

"Jennyyy," you whined. Then you curled in on yourself, bit your lip to keep from wailing, and trembled so fine that you were practically vibrating. You were beginning to feel sick to your stomach. Probably due to all the mucus you'd been swallowing.

You wanted to disappear.

"What's a Jennyyy?" She asked, elongating the name just like you had. It felt like she was mocking you. You let out a short wail before covering your mouth with both hands in an attempt to muffle your weeping. "Y/N, talk to me." You shook your head. This was a mistake. There was no way she would understand. Still, she insisted, "Talk to me."

You pulled your hands away from your mouth, wrapping your arms around yourself instead. "Sh-She re-rejected-ed meee," you stuttered before whimpering, high and sharp. She rejected you in quite possibly the worst way you could be rejected. As a person.

"Is that all?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. It was a wonder it wasn't permanently on a tilt given the weight of her hair. "That's no reason to get so upset. You can do better than this Jennyyy."

"I- I caaan't! Jenny- Jenny's perfect."

"You're pretty perfect yourself, dear heart," she cooed.

"You- You don't understaaand!" Seren never so much as set eyes on Jenny and her perfect hair. You were probably her only reference for non-murderous humans. You weren't even sure if she knew you were a woman or understood the taboo attached to same-sex attraction.

She reached up to you but your feet were just out of her clawed grasp. She frowned, said, "Come into the water. I don't like you so far away."

You shook your head again. You weren't so out of your mind that you forgot that she almost drowned you last night.

That's when her frown transformed into a pout. "Listen, Y/N... Run away with me. Abandon your life on the surface. Be my mate. I can promise you beauty and adventure, the stuff of fantasies... Anything you want will be yours! You just have to come freely."

You were stunned into silence. You stopped crying and just looked at her in astonishment. You didn't know what to say. The first thing out of your mouth was, "You... You know I'm a girl, right?"

"Yes, dear heart, I know you're a girl," she drawled with one raised eyebrow. "Homosexual relationships aren't uncommon among my kind. It's one of the reasons there are so few of us."

Well, that closed one door and opened another. It explained all her weird behavior towards you all this time. The kissing, the lack of personal space, everything... You weren't just a curious human. You were a potential mate. Holy shit.

"Seren, I-"

"I don't want your answer tonight," she said abruptly, cutting you off. "Spend a day considering it and let me know tomorrow night. I'll be waiting for you..." Then she ducked back beneath the water's inky surface, disappearing from sight before you could utter a single word more.

At least you were done weeping. It was time to go home.

You didn't see Seren anymore that night, but you heard her singing as you crept through the back porch door of your grandma's cottage. Her voice was hauntingly beautiful. Was this her lullaby to you? How sweet.

Luckily, Jenny was nowhere in sight either. She must have drunk herself to sleep waiting for her slushie. You'd pick her one up in the morning.

For now, you tiptoed up the stairs and into your bedroom so as not to wake her. You stripped out of your dirty clothes, slipped into your pajamas, and flopped down on the bed. The night was too hot and humid for blankets, sheets, or covers.

You fell asleep to the sound of the same line repeated over and over again. "I'm a fool to want you... I'm a fool to want you..."

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