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The first thing you did after Seren left you to do whatever she did during the daylight hours was leave the grotto. You were willing to bet good money that the only way to reach the more habitable part of the island was by the sea.

As much as you wanted to try your luck at just swimming away now that land was so near, you knew you had to be smart and check your surroundings first.

Hell, you didn't even know if the island was inhabited. At least not by humans. Although, at this point, you barely cared. But... You'd finally be able to hunt for your own food and fresh water rather than depend on the siren and the houseboat she gifted you. Any amount of freedom you could wrestle from her clawed clutches was worth it.

It was low-tide, so you swam out of the grotto before climbing up the shoals that enclosed the still waters of the lagoon. You wandered the shoals for a while, surveying the waves.

What you found made you glad you hadn't been too hasty to jump in feet-first. On either side of the lagoon were riptides, or at least what looked like riptides on the surface. The longer you looked at them, the more you began to suspect that something wasn't quite right.

Maybe you were just looking for someone to blame for your predicament, but your mind instantly started pointing fingers at the sirens you were sharing the grotto with.

Were they responsible for these unnatural currents? Considering they could turn invisible at will and convince humans to drown themselves just by singing, water bending didn't seem too far out of their realm.

One thing about these tides was unquestionably, though... They were deadly, even to a strong swimmer like you.

If you tried to access the main portion of the island via the most efficient sea route, which was skirting the coast, then you would be sucked away, dashed against the rocks, or flung out into the open ocean where you would most certainly drown before you could make it back to land.

You gnashed your teeth in frustration. Seren only brought you on land because she had found you the perfect cage.

Above you, the gulls cried almost mockingly. Their wings carried them high up and far away, while you were trapped to that little sea cave.

You ignored them, squeezed your eyes shut tight against the scorching sunlight and tried to think of a possible solution.

Perhaps... If you were built for swimming, you could swim straight out of the lagoon and into the open ocean, go out far enough that the riptides would not pose any threat. But, to put it plainly, you weren't. You had no fins or gills. Your body was built for walking, running, and jumping.

You'd drown.

There had to be another way!

"What are you doing?" A man's voice asked. You spun around, pressing a hand to your chest as if that would stop your heart from pounding out of it.


The siren snorted derisively. "Who else would it be?"

"Where's Seren?" You couldn't imagine she'd be pleased to discover you'd left the grotto.

"She's resting. That woman sleeps like the dead. Probably 'cause she can afford to." He sounded almost jealous. You wondered if he had any trouble getting some shut-eye with her around, knowing sirens occasionally ate other sirens and males were much weaker than females.

"Oh... Then, can I ask you a favor?" Before he could say no, you soldered on. "I'm trying to get to the mainland. If you could just take me to the end of the jetties, I could go crabbing for Seren. I'm sure she'd be just thrilled when she wakes up!"

You remembered how thrilled she was when you brought her that bucket of crabs. It sounded like a good excuse to you.

Sadly, Diego did not look convinced.

"That's cute, but how dumb do you think I am? Seren wants you right where you are, and I aim to keep you here."

You must have looked truly pathetic, because he took one look at you and released a long sigh.

"Look, I'm not completely unsympathetic," he relented. "It must suck, realizing you're not the top of the food chain anymore. And, as much as the two of you might play pod, we both know the only way this little relationship ends is in your death."

You consciously pinched your mouth close to suppress a snarl. No, you refused to give up! You'd come too far.

Reading your determination from your expression, Diego let out a little huff of laughter. "Fight it all you want, human, but you've got no one rooting for you... Least of all me. Now I suggest you get your butt back in the grotto before I wake Seren with news of your little excursion."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2022 ⏰

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