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What a weird nightmare, you thought the next morning. Then you dismissed the dreamed-up mermaid in favor of dreamy, dreamy Jenny. She was waiting for you downstairs at the dining room table. Nick -or at least, you thought that was his name- was serving up bacon and eggs in a, "Kiss The Cook," apron.

"Y/N! You're finally up!" She chirped over her cup of coffee. "You must have been really tired after spending the whole day unpacking. I was pooped too, although that was for other reasons. I'm sure you heard." She winked at you before taking another sip.

You blushed. She knew you heard that? She'd intended you to hear that? You wanted to die of embarrassment right then and there.

"Anyway," she said, setting aside her, "The Beach Is My Happy Place," mug and clapping her hands together once. "Nick is going out to get us some booze. What do you want? I'm getting red wine and amaretto."

"Thanks, but I'm okay," you said awkwardly. You didn't feel the most comfortable underage-drinking in the cottage you grew up in. She would undoubtedly pressure you into consuming something, though.

"She'll have what I'm having, then. We'll get wasted like classy bitches," she told her boyfriend.

"Yeah, sure," he drawled jokingly. She gave his butt a single spank as he walked by to serve you your breakfast. "Yes, ma'am," he said, correcting himself.

"That's what I like to hear!" She crowded before returning her attention to you. "What do you think we should do today, since drinking is currently off the table?"

"I thought we could spend the day relaxing now that all the unpacking is done," you suggested. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy, you thought but didn't dare voice. Not yet, at least. Definitely not in front of her newest boy toy. "Swim, sunbathe, y'know. The classic beach vacation stuff."

"Sounds fabulous! Yes to sunbathing, no to swimming. Not to disappoint you, in case you were looking forward to seeing my dripping wet, half naked bod, but I won't be getting in the water. Salt water will absolutely ruin my hair!"

You blushed again. You wished she wouldn't tease you so much. On the other hand, you wished she'd never stop teasing you.

"Before any of that, I want to check out the little shop we passed coming in! My dad's gonna want a souvenir shirt."

So Nick took Jenny's Cadillac to the liquor store while you escorted her to Gavin's Store. It was a short walk down the beat-up country road. She ducked in right away, glad to be out of the sun since she wasn't wearing more than a light, everyday sunscreen, but you lingered outside in the shade for a second.

You wanted to see what was on the bulletin board outside the store. You thought it would be coupons or advertising for beachside activities. They turned out to be missing persons fliers, however. Layered one right on top of the other, there appeared to be enough to cover the ground of the entire resort.

Some were old enough that the people really should be presumed dead, likely drowned. Sometimes dead bodies float and sometimes they sink.

There was enough sea life that an hour in the ocean would require the surviving family to have a closed-casket service. You remember a younger you clawing at the coffin, desperate for one last look at your beloved grandma, no matter how ghastly she may look. Luckily, the minister dragged you away before you could scar yourself for life.

Everyone was at or around the resort before disappearing. That sucked for the resort owner. Bad business, having so many people go missing nearby. Made families not want to bring their children there. Still, you saw enough kids that it appeared they were able to thrive in spite of the tragedy.

You were about to go inside when one flier in particular caught your eye. You recognized the man. He was the fisherman from your dream last night. Apparently he was reported missing within the last twenty-four hours. Huh, you thought, I must have seen this flier on my drive in, and my brain included him in my dream.

You thought nothing more of it, walked into the store without so much as a backwards glance. Jenny was perusing the clothing racks, yanked out a pale blue sweatshirt with the resort's name on it when she saw you come in.

"Y/N, try this on! I think it would look just precious on you." How could you deny her? You pulled the oversized sweater over your existing clothes and did a little twirl for her, just the way she liked. "I was right! You look so cute, I could just eat you up." She rushed over to you, taking your face in her hands and pinching your cheeks.

"Jenny, stooop! That huuurts!" You whined, but you didn't pull away. You were too happy to have all her attention on you.

Eventually, she stopped of her own accord. "Sorry, darling, I got a little too excited there. I just love it when I'm right," she sighed, patting your cheek in apology. It was still red and sore from all the pinching. Then, "Here, hold this," and she gave you a metric ton of candy she'd pulled off the shelves.

You served as her mule as she shopped, although you resented giving any more money than absolutely necessary to the rich resort owner.

In the end, she ended up buying a small suitcase's worth of clothes, a duffle bag to transport them all in, a shit ton of candy, and two slushies, one for each of you. You walked out of the store carrying everything but the slushies. She sipped from both. If you drank from the same straw as her, was that an indirect kiss?

You were sweating, and not just because you were wearing a sweater at a beach under the blistering sun.

Sinking Woman || Yandere!Siren X F!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now