🔪𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕿𝖜𝖔🔪

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As you walk through the door after a long day at school, your cheeks are still warm from locking eyes with Billy. The way his smile lit up the hallway made your heart flutter with excitement. A soft giggle escapes your lips as you think to yourself, 'This is the best day of my life.' You quietly fangirl about how this is the most interaction you've had with them in your life. Excitedly, you head to your room, eager to relive the magic of the day. You connect your camera to the computer and scroll through the photos you took, each one capturing a precious moment with Billy. His smile, his laughter, are all immortalized in these snapshots. Carefully, you print them out, ensuring that each image is perfect, and then you meticulously secure them to cardboard to protect them from any harm. You make sure no corners of the photos will ever peel up by securing them with super glue. You sigh happily and place them onto the wall slowly growing your collection. With a contented sigh, you step back and admire your growing collection of memories on the wall. Each photograph represents a cherished moment, a piece of your heart that you hold dear. Suddenly the phone starts ringing. You walk over to it and stare in shock. The sound cuts through the silence of your solitary existence, a stark reminder of the outside world. You rarely receive calls, especially since you live alone with no friends. Slowly, you approach the phone, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Who could be calling you now, interrupting this perfect day? You slowly pick up the phone..

"Hello?" You say waiting for the other person to respond.

"Hello." A deep, raspy voice echoes through the phone. The voice had a certain allure, but your loyalty lies with Billy and Stu.

"Is there something you need?" You inquire, slightly irritated by the interruption while you were looking at Billy's and Stu's photos.

"I want to talk to you." The voice responds. You scrunch up your nose, 'I don't really want to talk to anyone right now...' You think to yourself.

"I'm quite busy, bye now." You say and hang up the phone. A tender smile graces your lips as you lovingly press a kiss onto Billy's face. Just as you settle into the moment, the phone interrupts your tranquility, causing you to groan in frustration as you make your way back to answer it.

"Yes?" You snap making the voice chuckle.

"You're quite feisty, such a difference from how you act at school." You freeze, your mind races, desperately trying to uncover the identity of this mysterious observer, but no familiar face comes to mind.

"Did you just admit to watching me?" You chuckle softly, feeling a slight nervousness creeping in as you realize they might be aware of your obsession. However, you quickly compose yourself and maintain a calm and collected demeanor.

"Oh I do much more than just watch you love." He says ominously. You furrow your eyebrows in thought, wondering what he means by that.

"I'm taken." you blurt out, desperately hoping that this creepy person will lose interest and not knowing how else to respond.

"Oh yeah?" He says mockingly, you could practically feel his eyebrows raise into a smug look.

"Yes. I am extremely loyal to them so stop watching me and leave me alone." You say firmly.

"And who might they be?" The voice deepens slightly into a growl almost sounding as if he's getting angry.

"...Who are you anyway?" You evade the question, hesitant to say Billy and Stu in case this person is a fellow student.

"Who are they." The voice says in a more demanding tone obviously getting angry at your lack of an answer.

"Why do you want to know so bad? Didn't you say you watch me? You should know." You snap getting angry that he is getting angry at you.

"TELL ME WHO THEY ARE OR ILL GUT YOU LIKE A FISH!" The man yells through the phone making you pull it away from your ear while making a groan of pain from the loud noise.

"Geez what a temper. I'm not exactly with them yet but one day I will be." You say dreamily already starting to imagine your life with them, not scared by his threat.

The man on the other end chuckles at your boldness, "So who is this guy?"

"...I can't tell you. What if you go to our school and then you tell them I like them." You explain.

"Don't you worry love, I won't tell a soul. This will be our little secret." He purrs his whole mood shifting from before.

"Hmm it's probably a stupid idea to tell some random phone guy who I like....so promise you won't tell them." You ponder for a moment, realizing it might not be the smartest move to spill the beans to a random phone guy about your crush. But hey, you decide to take a leap of faith this time.

"I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die." He says. You can practically hear his smile through the phone.

You sigh, "Do you know who Billy Loomis and Stu Macher are?"

The line goes silent for a moment and for a second, you think they've hung up but then they respond, "Hm those names don't ring a bell why don't you tell me about them."

"Oh. You really don't know them?! We'll sit back and relax let me tell you all you need to know!" You say cheerfully, happy you are finally talking about something interesting. You stretch the phone cord so you can sit on the bed and get comfy. "Well first there's Billy loomis who's around 5'8" or 5'10" and weighs around 152 pounds. He has brown hair with curtain bangs that look kind of greasy and has dark brown eyes. He's typically seen wearing a white t-shirt and jeans and sometimes throws on a blue flannel. Hes dating Sidney Prescott and best friends with Stu Macher. Let me tell you he is one of the hottest men you ever did see! Stu is around 6'3" and weighs around 173 pounds. He has light brown or dirty blondish hair with greenish blue eyes. Stu wears a lot of sweaters with jeans. He's dating Tatum Riley. And that's just basic information I haven't even gotten to their personalities yet!" You happily rant on and on about them so excited that you finally have someone to share this with.
When you finish the line is silent. "Hello?" You ask sadly thinking that they hung up.

"Sounds like you know a lot of these two boys." "Very impressive sweets!" You notice the change in nickname in the second line and same with the tone but think nothing of it.

"Thanks...I really like them alot." You say bashfully. You don't really get compliments often.

"Aww you're just too cute!" He gushes and you hear some shuffling through the phone.
"Sorry to cut this short love but I must get going."

"Oh...okay." You say sort of disappointed he didn't want to hear more.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow. Oh and remember to keep your window locked you never know who will sneak in..." He laughs and the beep starting playing letting me know that he hung up.
You look over at my window to see that it is in fact unlocked. You furrow my eyebrows and quickly lock it.
You walk over to my bed which has a plethora of photo's scattered on top of it. You sigh and get to cleaning so you fall into your bed and sleep.


*Authors note: I'm not sure how well I did with their personalities let me know if anything is too ooc. I hope you enjoyed! Feel free to leave any comments I love to hear peoples opinions!

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