one » the replacement project

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[a/n; hey crew!! so i finally decided to upload this lmao, and yes, i did change the names of the characters because im already using the name catalina in my other story, and yeah, im pretty sure that's all i have to say.

enjoy xx]

Friday, the 15th of May - Elena Morales, my sister, or twin sister to be exact, was announced missing.

I was going as fast as my feet could possibly take me, the bottom of my free runs making soft thumping sounds against the pavement of the road as I ran towards the large brick house towards the end of the street. It was 82 degrees in Sacramento and the fact that I'd decided to wear skin tight fricking jeans was not making the run to my house more enjoyable. I was panting, and probably looking and smelling like a dog.

I'd gotten the text from My mom around lunch time, and with a mouth full of salad and a can of Sprite in my hand, tried to run out of the school as quickly as I could, planning telling the lady at the front office that the nurse had sent me home because of a fever, but it turns out not everybody is dumb and gullible these days, so I was forced to sit through another 5 periods of absolute torture. It was the last day of school, anyway.

Elena was definitely rebellious, I'll admit it. From wearing uggs in the summer to hijacking my Dad's SUV for a road trip with her friends last spring, she was quite a badass. But nowhere in her future did I see her running away at 18 years old without telling anyone.

As I neared the familiar circular driveway at the end of the street, I parted my lips slightly - there were 7 cars parked in the pretty damn large driveway, and were almost taking up all the space. You could probably only fit half of another car in the remaining space.


I blinked, turning to my left to see my Mom standing on the balcony of the second floor, motioning for me to come inside with a motion of her finger. The blonde shoulder length hair attached to her head was pointed in a hundred different directions, like she'd been pulling on it in distress, which sounded pretty reasonable in this situation.

"God damn it, Cara, would you hurry up before the press see you!"

I squinted up at her, and shook my head, adjusting my bag that was close to falling off my shoulder before heading up the steps to the front door. "I just ran 2 miles in 82 degree weather while wearing skinny jeans, Mom, the press are the last thing on my mind right now."

I puffed my cheeks out. She was stressed. She never rambled unless otherwise. This wasn't good. This didn't even seem real. Elena had driven me to school just this morning and promised to drive me home. The whole walk, or excuse me, run home, I'd been beating myself up for being so stupid, so demented. Elena hadn't made an appearance at lunch, I hadn't seen her in the passing to 5th period like I usually did, and Where and when, in a matter of 5 hours with classes cramped in between every minute, had she found time to run? Did she even run at all? Maybe she'd just decided to ditch class. Maybe this was all an overreaction; a misunderstanding. Maybe she'd gone to Calum's, her extremely hot, tall, tanned skinned, bassist, hot, famous, talented, hot boyfriend. Then again, she couldn't have; the guy was on tour.

the replacement project :: c.h.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt