twelve » brownies and elvis songs

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a/n- happy that i'm not getting this chapter up super late for you guys. this chapter's pretty long too so i feel better about the last update which was kind of short, lbr.

also!! i'm missing teen wolf a lot right now so i threw a stiles reference into this chapter omg. first person to notice it and comment what it is gets the next chapter dedicated to them, yeah?

( the scene cara and calum are watching is from the maze runner and i linked it up above !! )

alright im done here these notes always drag on for way too long, enjoy!

stay happy,

x bri.


[ cara

Nothing was said between Emma and I as she took the right turn leading to the boys' place. The air was silent, and saddening, and depressing as hell and it made me want to roll the window down and crawl out of the car itself.

After finding the room with the projector and the picture of Elena, it wasn't long before the police finally found my discovery and I, which they claimed they would most definitely "look deeper into". I mean, what choice did they have, right?

Mom cried. A lot. Dad didn't say anything, but he slammed the door of his car when we were all told to leave. The police looked shellshocked. Emma ran her hands across her face and quickly rubbed at her eyes when I told her what I'd seen. And me? I didn't know how to react. I couldn't cry, because of how disturbed and overall shocked I was. But I couldn't feel mad or angry either, for some reason. I felt blank.

"Car, come on, go." Emma said quietly once she'd parked the car in front of the driveway.

I exhaled loudly, my cheeks puffing out as I threw my head back against the seat. "Can we just go home? I'm not in the mood-"

"You need to distract yourself for a while, Cara."

"And what about you? Where are you going to go?"

"Mali and I have to go out." Em shrugged, drumming her fingers on top of the steering wheel absentmindedly. "I missed the dress-fitting the other day so I've gotta go and try everything on today. I'll be fine. Now go, you already called and told him you're coming over anyway, no backing out now."

"What do you think the letter meant?"

Emma sighed, rolling her eyes. She dropped her head onto the steering wheel. "I'd really rather not think about it right now."

I bit my lip. "I mean it has to eliminate the possibility of her running away, right?"

"I guess, I mean she obviously wouldn't do that to herself?"

"What if she's in danger right now?"

"Then we have to let the police do what they can."

I squinted my eyes in disbelief, staring at her. "Try again."

"Cara, we are not the wonder pets! I'm not gonna suggest going on a secret mission to find Elena!"

"Why not?!"

It was Emma's turn to lift her head from her arms and look at me like I'd just asked her if men had ovaries. "Literally Cara, just get out of the car."

"Who knows how long it's going to be until they actually have a fricking lead, Em?" I scoffed, folding my arms and staring straight ahead at the dashboard of Emma's car. "If I'd never gotten that text, they would still be nowhere. That search party is a joke. We're two eighteen year old girls with nothing but sarcasm as our only defense and we could probably do better."

the replacement project :: c.h.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin