seven » paninis and savages

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a/n- WOOW YOUR GIRL IS TIRED, it's 1:38 in the morning and i just managed to finish this! it' been a while since i've updated but this is a pretty long update tbh, so i hope that somewhat makes up for it! this is a slight filler chapter but there are some pretty cute moments in here so im still excited :-)) the next few chapters are gonna be quite a ride, so hang in there crew.

also, **cara has never met the rest of the band!! she's only met calum, and that was when they were around thirteen. this is her first time actually meeting ash, mike (aside from when michael called her the night calum got wasted), and luke- but as elena. im praying that isn't confusing oml.

ALSO ALSO, I'VE FINALLY MADE A NEW TRAILER FOR THIS STORY GUYS! i'm really liking it to be honest! it'll be attached to chapter one. go check it out when you've finished reading this!!

ALSO ALSO ALSO, it is thanksgiving my friends! id like to let you all know that im sososo thankful for all of you taking the time to read TRP, it makes me so happy knowing people actually don't find my writing dumb and put up with my bs updating schedule and enjoy reading my stuff. if you're reading this, i love you :-)

stay happy

x bri.


[ cara ]

The plan was for Calum to take Emma and I to the band's house. I was supposed to be in a stress-free mood, I was supposed to go there and enjoy myself, get to know the three boys Elena has always told me were amazing. But as Calum and Emma and I made our way up the front steps leading to the door, all i felt was.. anxiety, for lack of a better word.

My mind was still playing an endless loop of what Emma and I had found out earlier. Yeah, it's pretty possible that Elena could have run away with someone, that's true. But it honestly just does't make sense- Elena had the world. I'm pretty sure she was aware that she could've had a great ass summer with all of her friends and all the events and parties she could've been invited to, you know? Plus, she had to have been aware that Calum and the rest of the band were coming home. What was the point in running away? I was entirely focused on the idea of someone abducting her. Was she being tortured right now, in this moment?

Someone's hand suddenly slipped into mine, squeezing my fingers and knocking me straight out of my own bubble of thought. "You alright? You've been quiet the entire ride here."

I smiled brightly and shook my head dismissively, surprising myself as I craned my neck up to kiss his jawline lightly. Emma whistled. "I'm fine, just hungry."

"You can ask Ash to make you a panini?"

I rose my eyebrows at him, impressed. "Really? That's a little complicated to make."

Calum shrugged, walking in front of Emma and I to the front door, pulling his keys out. "He bought a two hundred dollar panini press in Milan and hasn't tried it out yet. The guy buys anything with a price tag."

I snorted, genuinely excited to meet the boys. I stood back, to Emma's side as Calm began to fidget with the key. "Looks like you're getting better at it, huh?"

"Getting better at what?"

Emma grinned, wiggling her eyebrows at me and elbowing my left rib teasingly. "Playing Elena? Dating Calum? Kissing on the jawline, I see you, yum."

"Don't say yum!" I laughed, shoving her. Calum cursed quietly to himself in the background, muttering something along the lines of his key being a failure. I lowered my voice to a hushed whisper, "I'm just trying to make sure he's convinced I'm Elena so their relationship stays solid. I wouldn't want him to assume I'm- or Elena, I guess, is losing interest in him because of how chicken I am to be intimate with him, you know?"

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