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*Snickers* I should have, don't you think? I should have told him the truth. I felt hopeless in that moment, though, I don't think anybody understands. He looked so, so finished and I was standing there trying to take in the fact that it was my fault - I put that look on his face. I'd never seen Calum look at anybody like that, and I was his first. That was all I was thinking about, really. I guess the truth just slipped from my mind.

are you still going to try and explain to calum? (caloom-hood)

What are you going to do with Calum after what happened with the situation???? (smilecth_)

What will happen with you and Calum? (GoodnessOfBlack)

I don't know, to be honest... I-I don't think talking to him right now's really the best idea, what if he doesn't even want to look at me? What if he just wants me out of his life for good, now?

are you going to adopt paisley? (invisiblecastaway_)

I'm only eighteen and college starts in a few weeks, which is the problem. I can't even keep track of my homework, let alone a kid. But I don't know if I'm comfortable with the idea of leaving her with Heather's mom, at the same time.

i hope you're fine. trust me, i won't go cray cray like heather did. i'm gonna be there by your side and we can cry our feelings out, okay? (mistakenveins)

There's nothing left to cry out anymore. Thank you, though.


what do you think of what heather said? (invisiblecastaway_)

*Exhales* Cara um, never told me about any of it before... She's never told me that she's felt like that before. 'Sort of makes me wonder what else I've been doing to be a shit sister to her, you know?

So what about Cara and Cal? *eyebrow wiggling* (ParisMacarons)

God, it's like everybody knows about this but me! Cara won't say a word. Everyone is lowkey implying that something happened between both of them but nobody's telling me what. It's not like it could've been that bad?

are you going to break up with calum? i heard that you were planning to. (caloom-hood)

I'm considering it, yeah, it's what I've wanted for a while. I'm holding off on it for a little bit though - Mom's telling me to stay away from Calum for a while. And Cara. Nobody's telling me why, either.

I haven't spoken to or seen Cara in three days. And we live in the same house. And our rooms are right across from one another.

What did Heather do to you while you were locked up. (Musix_Girl)

The police asked me the same question when they sent me to the station for questioning, and it's not like I didn't want to answer them, it just felt like I couldn't. They probably asked me over four times and each time I opened my mouth, nothing came out. But they're telling me that I-I have to practice because I'm going to recite it in court. She kicked me. She pulled my hair. She stripped me naked and didn't feed me. She told me I deserved every paper-cut-feeling I felt inside of me. All of the punches and bruises and cuts - she told me each individual one was deserved. She told me that if I were to rot in that place, nobody would really care. For a month, she made me feel like I was dying and decaying the minute I woke up every morning.

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