ten » itchy dresses and a whole lot of shade

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a/n -hey guys! how're we all doing?

nothing super exciting happens in this chapter but i really do like it anyway, i think its full of cuteness with a little bit of suspense so that's cool. we're also pretty much halfway through this book!! can you believe that omf. anyway i know this chapter is a little boring compared to last chapter's, but i'll be updating again some time soon this week to make up for it. next chapter is gonna be pretty intense as well tbh.

also also, i'm curious!! do you guys pronounce cara as ka-ruh, like care uh, or car-uh, like cara delevingne? just wondering because apparently a lot of people say it differently (cara's name is pronounced as car-uh by the way ahaha).

x stay happy



[ cara ]

"They're saying it was an anxiety attack." Emma explained, continuing to comb the brush through my tangled, brown hair. I sat still on the bed, my legs crossed, gazing straight across the room at the wall. "I knew something wasn't right." 

Some man named John had called Calum about an hour ago and told him that he and the band needed him to come home to finish writing another track off their new album. He didn't wanna go, like at all, I mean the guy was half asleep in bed but I'd made him. The last thing I'd wanted was to keep him from doing his job just because of me. Emma, on the other hand, refused to leave me alone.

"It felt like an attack." I nodded, handing her the hair tie she'd told me to hold once she outstretched her hand. She pulled my hair in various directions until she'd finally completed the braid, tying it off.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, expecting another load of tears to come to surface. Everything about the dream... was so vivid. It was like I knew that it was a dream, but everything in the dream felt so real to the point where if it wasn't a dream, it wouldn't shock me.

What was even worse was that everything that she had said made sense.                                                                                                                        

"I had a dream." I told her, turning around on the bed to look at Emma, face to face. "Elena was in it. And she was like this, this completely different person, Emma."

Emma nodded, looking curious. "I'm listening."

I took a deep breath. There was no harm in telling Emma about this- she knew about the project, she knew that Elena was missing and that I was replacing her- she knew everything Calum didn't. "Last night, before the dream or anything, Calum and I snuck out and we went to the beach. And he kissed me."

"Was that the first time since he came home?"

"No." I shook my head. "But it was the first time I.. felt something other than panic and nervousness and fear."

Her eyebrows rose. "What exactly did you feel?"

"I-I um," I stuttered, the nerves suddenly kicking back in. Just a day ago, Emma'd been telling me that Calum wasn't my boyfriend, but was Elena's. And now I was contemplating on the possibility of maybe wanting Calum to myself? Or... Or maybe I was being ridiculous. How could you possibly catch feelings for someone in a matter of two weeks? "I felt good. It felt good. Getting kissed by him felt good. It like, it gave me these fluttery feelings in my stomach and it's something I've never felt before that made me feel whole and it's something I want to feel again."

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