thirteen » words and reasons

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a/n - this picture hurts. 

this chapter's a little short guys, i'm sorry! it's also been seven days you all probably want to kick me in the throat, but here it is, sorry it's so late. 

i hope you all had an incredible christmas, and if you don't celebrate it, i hope you're having a great holiday break!! 

stay happy, 



[ cara ]

I twisted around in Calum's grip, trying to find a more comfortable position to lay in and hopefully fall back asleep in, grunting after a couple of attempts that failed. The sun had barely even risen yet I was already awake. I squinted, trying to avoid the sun peering through the blinds of the room while taking a closer look at my surroundings - we weren't in the living room anymore, but rather Calum's bedroom. I'd recognized it from the day Calum had first come home and we'd taken a nap here, on this same bed, with the same duvet covering us. I sniffled and grinned slightly at the memory. It'd been a while since then. 

I grunted to myself, knowing that there really was no way I'd be able to fall back asleep now- I was pretty much entirely awake. Cautiously, I attempted to wriggle out of Calum's grip around my waist. His entire body was spooning mine- his chin planted on my shoulder, and his arms clasped around my stomach, his legs jumbled up with mine - it wasn't even cute, a part of me was worried I'd never be able to get out. Calum groaned lowly and only pulled me into his chest further, holding me closer to him. I chuckled. "Cal, I'm gonna walk down the street and get some tea."

He made a sound of disapproval, tightening his arms around me. "Tea's gross. Tea later. Sleep now."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not sleepy anymore, bud, my throat hurts from last night and I want tea." 

His body tensed at the mention of what happened the night before and I pursed my lips nervously. That was the second anxiety attack he'd witnessed- what if it was just beginning to make him feel overall uncomfortable? I parted my lips to apologize, but the feeling of the arms and warmth blanketing me vanishing beat me to it. I curiously craned my neck around to see Calum sliding out from under the covers, only wearing a pair of basketball shorts and socks. He stretched his arms out like a cat taking in sun once he got up, and gave me a small smile. "Stay here. And don't call me bud, I'm your boyfriend. Bud is a friendzone name." 

"Okay, Calum." I laughed, shooing him off with my palm. 

"I loooove you," he cooed, drawing out 'o' sound in 'love.' He wiggled his eyebrows and jutted out his bottom lip causing me to laugh way too loudly for some who'd woken up before the sun had even risen. 

I scoffed playfully and turned over in the bed to face away from him. "Yeah yeah."

He whined, "Aren't you going to say you love me too?"

"Nope." I popped the 'p', looking over my shoulder at him teasingly.

Calum pouted and narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm not surprised, you never even say 'I love you' first." 

I said nothing as I watched an exhausted-looking Calum make his way out of the room. I sucked on the inside of my cheek; what did he mean by that? Was he implying that Cara never said 'I love you' first or Elena? It no doubt had to be me, right? I mean, I was the one who caused him to drink his ass off that night because of how nervous I was about being intimate with him, I'm sure Elena constantly tells him she loves him.

I  let out an exhale, a big puff of hair, before sitting up against the headboard and looking around for Elena's phone, which was thankfully sitting on Calum's nightstand. I was thankful he'd brought it up with him when he'd carried me in here. Or who knows, maybe I sleep walk. I pressed on the power button and hissed at the bright light that filled the screen. 

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