three » selfie angles and heather bellison

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A/N -- you guys already know i'm hella late with this update haha APOLOGIES !! here it is, enjoy x.



Five days.

It had been five days and no progress was made.

No leads, no minor leads, no clues- no Elena. And from the looks of it, they still weren't getting any closer to finding her.

So The Replacement Project was still in action.

And it was getting harder and harder to go through with.

"I'm trying, Emma!"

"The angle isn't right!"

"Nobody's gonna notice the angle, dammit!"

"Your head should be tilted to the right. And keep your back straight, you're slouching!"

"Why does it matter if-"

"Wait, wait, wait- what if we move to the bathroom? Isn't the lighting better in there?"

I groaned and tossed the phone onto the sofa. "Emma, it's just a selfie!"

"An Elena Morales selfie!" She pointed out, picking the phone back up and shoving it towards me. "You need to post something to let people know she's actually still alive, okay. Elena usually posts things every two days or so and it's been five. So take this, tilt your head to the right, stop slouching and smile."

I glared, reaching to take the phone from her hand only for the thing to start ringing. It was Elena's own phone, actually, that Mom and Dad discovered laying ontop of a table in the garage a couple hours after they had found out she was missing. None of us could guess why she would leave something as important as her phone here other than the possibility of her not wanting to be found. I'd been told to use it for the mean time until they found Elena, considering her friends and boyfriend would definitely still want a way to contact her. Or me, really. You get the point. I squinted and took it, groaning slightly once I saw Calum's name appear on the caller ID. "Dammit."

"You better answer it." Emma pointed a finger at me, raising an eyebrow. "You've been putting the guy off for three days now, Cara."

I sighed, placing the phone on my lap as it continued to ring. "I can't help it, to be honest. He's so sweet around me and it makes me wanna believe that Cara is dating him and not Elena. I'm just trying to keep appropriate distance, you know? I can't get too used to having an affectionate boyfriend around all the time- he isn't even my boyfriend.. He'll be gone once this is all over."

"But it won't matter, because you'll find someone way better than him soon enough." She said, a small smile playing on her lips as she stood up to walk behind the bar in the back of the basement to grab who knows what. "Plus, three days in my opinion is a little more than appropriate distance. He obviously misses you. Have you even been talking? Texting?"

I pursed my lips and looked back down at the phone in my lap which had just stopped ringing. "No, not really. I just.. I feel like a really shitty person. I'm playing around with him. I basically turned him into a cheater. He's pretty much cheating on his girlfriend with his girlfriend's sister, without knowing."

"I get what you're saying, I do," She threw a can of pepsi at me as she made her way back to the couch, sinking down next to me. "but so far, everything is going smoothly, I guess. Nobody suspects a thing. So.. Try not to overthink it. I'm sure they'll be able to find Elena in a couple more days. Just help them out by stalling everyone a little more so they'll have the time they need. Unless.. Unless you're thinking of just calling this all quits-"

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