chapter two

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Gavi's POV:

When I got back to the field, I tried to distract myself as best I could, but it was just way too hard.
How... how am I supposed to make it up?
Contacting them to put this out on the internet is already too late.
No, I'm still doing that.
I'm sure so many people have seen this, but if it's really gone, it would be better.
"Bro, is everything good with you?" I noticed the voice of Pedro next to me and nodded hastily, which made him raise his eyebrows.
"Take a break. I'll sort it out with Sergio."
I wanted to refuse, but he was long gone and I had no choice but to do what he said.
That's why I sat on the grass, a bit outside the field, and watched the others.
I don't even know if I'm allowed to do that, but there was no other way. My mind is full of the scandals.
Seeing Xavi angry disappoints me a lot.
I only see him like that when we play badly in games.
I have to fix this as soon as possible.
"Do you need water?"
I looked up and recognized Eric, who was looking at me worriedly.
I shook my head slightly and lowered it again to continue thinking of a plan.
"Practice is over...are you staying for a few more hours? Some of us are still practicing corners and penalties."
"I'd love to, but I have a few things to do." I replied with a fake smile and stood up as Pedro waited for me at the front.

He didn't say anything as we walked together to the dressing room, we said goodbye to the others and left the soccer field.
"Pedro, I really need your help. Do you have time?"
I turned to him and exhaled in relief when he nodded.
With his car we drove to his home and before I started talking about the mess, we cooked something.
"So," Pedro said while we ate, "what did you want to talk about?"
I took a strong sip of the water and thought about how best to start.
I know what he's like. Pedro is my closest buddy and he would help me in such a difficult time.
"The party yesterday... well. I drank too much and went to the balcony to get some fresh air."
Pedro put away the fork and leaned more against the chair, listening to me intently.
"Then there was a woman who wouldn't leave me alone. I swear Pedro, I didn't want anything from her! She hugged me suddenly and before I pushed her away, someone took a picture! In training Xavi called me and believe me he was so angry with me because I have a lot of scandals at the moment.
He said I should make it up to him quickly, otherwise I'll get the consequences for every scandal." I told him like a waterfall and buried my face in my hands.
"I believe you."
Through Pedro's answer, I slowly looked into his eyes and noticed how tense he was.
"I have an idea." He stood up from the chair. "But you have to trust me completely on this."

I stood up as well, nervously waiting to hear what he had to say.
His ideas have always been the best until now and with his help I could always get out of trouble.
"Tomorrow your sister, Aurora, is having a party, isn't she? She said that only the closest people will come, so not many will be there. And people you don't know."
Get to the point, Pedro.
"You have to get a girlfriend."
Okay no, that's the stupidest idea from him.
"You're crazy," I said with a laugh, expecting him to admit that it was a joke.
But Pedro remained silent and his expression didn't change. He was still serious.
"How... how am I supposed to do this? Get a girlfriend... How do you come up with this idea?!"
"Calm down, Pablito. Of course, this is not meant to be real, in such a short time you can't fall in love quickly. On both sides. You get yourself a fake girlfriend. You guys pretend to be a couple in public and boom the scandals are gone!"

I laughed with full relief and threw pillows at him as a thank you for coming up with this idea.
"Dude, you are so smart!"

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