chapter thirtyone

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Gavi's POV:

I exhaled loudly when I finally managed to score a goal for my team and fell to the ground when we had a drink break.
This training was more than difficult for me and that also because we lost in the last game.
I clearly didn't feel any better after the three days since she officially ended it with us.
Until today I still see Eliana in my dreams, at least I could feel her there.
But I still miss her closeness, her beautiful lips on mine and her scent.
It's not professional of me to let all the feelings to my performance, yet I found this as the only solution.
"You're so stupid, Pablo!"
Confused, I looked behind me, only to see Jules angrily approach me and pull me to my feet.
The boys came right in between, trying to separate me from him and doing it unnoticed so Xavi wouldn't see it.
"What's wrong with you?!" hissed Ferran and they managed to separate me from Jules.
"Do you actually know what you did to Eliana?" he started spitting out the words with full hatred, eyeing me from top to bottom.
I felt uncomfortable, just the fact that he took her name in his mouth and clenched my hands into fists, waiting impatiently for what he said.
"She's lost her job! Eliana is hated everywhere!
I saw her yesterday, sitting on a bench in the middle of the rain, crying hard."
Through the massive pain on my chest, I swallowed hard and took a few steps backward.
"You ruined her life."

"Guys you need to work this out among yourselves, time at training can't be wasted. And here are cameras." whispered Sergio to us and as much as he was right, I needed to know what happened to Eliana.
My former self would laugh at me for this, but at that moment she is more important to me than my career.
While the guys acted as if nothing had happened,
I pulled Jules along to the locker room and urged him to keep talking.
"Her first concern was what would happen if her father found out about it-"
"But wait, her father would never react that badly, would he?" I interrupted him even more confused than before, raising my eyebrows as he put his hand on his forehead.
"Her father is very bad, Pablo. He beats her, strangles her. She said to me that once he almost wanted to put her hand to the fire from the stove as a punishment."

My eyes widened with every word he said and ran through my hair in shock, he on the other hand bit his lip.
"You broke her. A lot." were his last words until he left me alone with many thoughts and mixed emotions.
None of this could be true.
How could her father do something like this?
I have to do something about it, as much as she hates me by now, I have to save her.
Maybe Pedro was right, too.
I should've listened to her the day she asked me to.
But I was too stubborn.
I couldn't leave the training ground so quickly, because I had to practice with some other colleagues until 6 pm and then I had to waste the remaining few hours in the gym.
Actually I am much fitter after these activities, however I felt more than just limp and fell asleep directly when I fell on my bed at home.
With thoughts on Eliana, I lost myself in my sleep and luckily dreamed of her.

Thanks to my alarm clock, I got up at a perfect time, got ready quickly and left the house at 2 o'clock.
If her father can play such psychopathic games, so can I.

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