chapter nineteen

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Gavi's POV:

When Valeria pointed out to me that Eliana had seen us, I wanted to check on her right away, but had to go to training instead.
I couldn't get her out of my mind.
God, she must be thinking something wrong after seeing me with someone else.
"What's been going on with you for the past few days?" Pedro stood next to me during the workout and from the angle I felt him staring at me.
I really can't handle not telling him about this.
"Pedro...I can't take it anymore. The night you left Eliana and I kept talking, she asked if I meant her after the explanation and I said no, the relationship was fake there are no feelings. She left with a weird expression on her face and from the window I saw her crying in the car. Since then we don't text anymore and today she saw me with Valeria in the café. She said that Eliana was crying."
Pedro stopped his warm up, just looked at me in shock and hit me on the head the next second.
Of course, I expected him to insult me and even hit me.
"Pablito..." he started to say something, but nothing came after that.
That made me even more nervous.
It was even worse when he really didn't say anything and ignored me for the whole training until we finally sat in the car.

"You're so stupid." his voice sounded loud from the silence I'd already grown accustomed to and I winced a little because of it.
"You love her. I've told you that so many times...then why are you telling her there are no feelings? Fake relationship or not, I knew from the beginning that you'd fall in love with her.
The way you look at her, or the way you behave when she's around is not normal.
You talk about her 24/7 and even in training you're always texting her."
From word to word I noticed how angry he is and he hit the steering wheel after the last sentence, shaking his head in disappointment.
"Drop me off in the city."
I had an idea.
"No Pablito, it's already too late."
"I'm trying to make up for everything here. So let me or I'll jump out of the car."
Pedro just rolled his eyes and still did what I told him to do, which is why I thanked him and said goodbye.
My gut told me she was in the city.
The problem is that I don't know where exactly she is in the city of Barcelona.
I walked several ways, looked in almost every café and bar and lost more and more hope.
Until I looked over to a bar and finally saw her... with two other guys.

I didn't want to look like a stalker, so I hid behind a plant for a bit and watched her walk out with one of the guys.
Somewhat relieved, I called her name, but she didn't turn around, instead continuing to talk to this man.
"So you're the stronzo that Eliana was crying about?" a deeper voice sounded from behind me and when I turned around I recognized the second guy sitting in the bar with her.
Both of his arms were covered in tattoos, plus his hair is cut short and his eyes stand out a lot from his light eye color. He is for sure Italian.
"What do you want?" I don't like those comments at all, took a few steps closer to avoid looking intimidated.
"Leave the poor girl alone, you little asshole don't deserve her. She needs someone like Paulo.
If you weren't there, I'm sure it would've worked out with them."
Paulo? The one who went out with her?
My curiosity grew higher, I wanted to know what he looked like, because I only saw his back earlier.
"Shut the fuck up, who do you think you are? You don't know anything!"
"Talk respectful to me, you little bastard. Didn't your mother teach you that? Doesn't she know what it is, you want me to show her in bed huh?"
Before he talked any further, I lashed out with my right fist and punched him in the face with all my might.
He staggered backwards, but didn't let it go and punched me back so hard that I felt the blood come out of my nose.
"I'm going to knock you out, you son of a bitch!"
"Are you kidding me, what are you boys doing?!"

Pressured Under LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora