chapter thirteen

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Gavi's POV:

Through this evening I have felt emotions I didn't think existed. It was very weird.
At one point I felt jealous, then it was mixed with anger and after that I wanted to laugh and joke with her.
My head was somewhere else during the walk, even if the reason was right next to me.
When Eliana squatted down in front of me and continued to talk, I couldn't pull away.
Her beautiful curls with the dress she had on.
It looked damn good.
Only now I realized how close my face was to hers and I could already feel her breathing.
Her lips look even better from this perspective.
But I still have to remind myself that this is all fake and not reality.
She has already shown me that today.
That's why I stood up straight again, cleared my throat briefly and looked around the dark area.
The way I know her, I'm sure she's insulting me in her thoughts and wondering what it was all about.
I don't even know.
After this strange moment we continued walking and there was an uncomfortable silence.
Even in the car we didn't talk and heard only the soft music that was playing in the background.
I really have to get a driver's license.

She stopped in front of my house and from the angle I saw her grinning a bit as I took off my seatbelt.
"Thank you for the evening."
"Thanks for coming. Sleep well." With that, I said goodbye to her, pulled her into a quick hug and finally got out.
Her scent lingered in my nose and I couldn't forget the way her skin felt under my fingers.
But since I didn't want to sleep with such thoughts,
I texted Pedro if he wants to come and meanwhile changed into comfortable clothes.
My parents are not home, so this is a good time for a bro evening.
Pedro also came afterwards after 20 minutes and as we made ourselves comfortable with snacks in the living room, I started to talk about my feelings.
Also about what was today.
Eliana, Jules. Eliana and what she said. Eliana.
And Eliana again.
"Pablito. I think you're in love." he said with popcorn in his mouth and as serious as the situation was, I started laughing.
"I never fall in love in such a short time. You know how I am!"
"Have you ever heard of love at first sight? Or why exactly did you want her as a fake girlfriend? Wasn't she the one from the store with the pistachios? You told me how she was like and you liked it." He put on a smile and continued.
"You like her because she doesn't like you.
Most of the girls you've met so far have only been focused on your soccer career. Because you're so famous, you're a soccer player in Barcelona and you have a lot of money.
Eliana insulted you when she first saw you and was always against her being your girlfriend. What girl would say no to that? If she hadn't gotten that shitstorm, she wouldn't be with you until now."

As much as I like to listen to him, what he said was not true.
I never fall in love quickly. She was the only option I had and she also knows my sister, so it was good.
"You probably think she was the best option because she knows your sister, but what about Lily? Why didn't you ask her? You've known her longer."
That was creepy.
"You can stop now!" I got a little louder and stood up from the sofa, Pedro on the other hand leaned further back.
"You love her." he whispered softly.
That's exactly what made me angry.
"Eliana is nothing in my eyes! She only helps me to get rid of my scandals, nothing more! As soon as this eases up, we'll just end this and go our separate ways again."
"I'd like to see that."
Suddenly my phone vibrated and I swallowed hard when I saw that it was Eliana.
What does she want now?
"Open the door."

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