chapter fourteen

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Eliana's POV:

On the way home I thought about everything.
About what happened today. About Pablo.
It frustrated me that I only thought about him.
The way he was to me earlier was also strange and that made me so angry.
Since my head was somewhere else, I didn't notice that the car stopped in front of me and I hit the brakes in time, which is why my phone flew down.
With a racing heart I finally parked in front of my house and searched on the floor for it until I found a weird key lying around.
It wasn't mine...surely it's Pablo's.
I don't know if he's still awake, but knowing him already I'm sure he doesn't go to sleep at this hour.
That's why I decided to go back to give it to him and arrived after 15 minutes.
I didn't want to scare him, so I called Pablo and said that I was at his front door, and a few seconds later I saw him.
He was in a jogging suit and his hair was messy. Unbelievable.
"You left your keys in my car." I pretended like nothing was wrong and pressed it on his hand with a smile, which is why that tingling started again.
He just grinned.
"Thank you, very thoughtful of you... Do you want to chill a bit? Pedro's here too."

I accepted his suggestion, entered his apartment and greeted his best friend who was lying on the sofa.
Of course he got up to give me a hug and directly asked me to eat something, but I refused.
"You guys were a little loud talking, did something happen?" I broke the silence and raised my eyebrows as the two boys looked at each other strangely.
"Yes what happened Pablito?"
"Nothing, you know how he is. He was just bugging me." Pablo laughed, hitting his friend's head.
"Are you sure? I heard my name."
He was getting a little nervous and while taking a sip of his Coke, Pedro pretended to be busy with the remote control.
How I love it when I find something out.
"Shall we play truth or dare?" oddly enough Pedro changed the subject and since I wouldn't get any answers otherwise, I let it be that way.
Since Pablo chose dare first, he had to call his teammate, Eric, and say something embarrassing.
After that, it was my turn.
"Do you believe in true love?" asked Pedro when I chose truth, looking at him confused.
"Who doesn't believe in it?"
"Did that ever happen to you yourself?" He couldn't stop with the questions, but I wanted to see what he meant and answered everything.
"Yeah for sure."
"Describe your type."
"That's hard. I like curls on guys and brown hair. A cute smile too. Sounds weird, but really one who plays soccer. Hmm and I think big eyes are really nice on guys too."
Pedro nodded with great satisfaction and, strangely enough, asked Pablo the same question.
So slowly it became an interrogation and no longer a game.
"A girl with beautiful blue eyes and brown curls.
Who likes Asian food." he answered thoughtfully and quickly looked away when I turned to him.
Was he just describing me?
"Perfect... oh guys I have to go! I have to pick up my cousin early. See ya!" That's how quickly he left.
Now Pablo and I were alone in the living room in his house and even the silence is loud.

"Pablo... did you mean me?"
I just wanted to know.
He looked at me directly and shook his head violently, which is why I felt something painful in my chest.
However, I ignored this feeling and nodded with an understandable look.
"No, Eliana. This between us is just fake. Feelings don't exist."

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