Oh My God

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We went down to have breakfast with the team and parted ways as we had meetings before the race. We arranged to have lunch together with some of the pilots, I met Max's girlfriend, Kelly, and Isa, Carlos's girlfriend too.

Lando drives us to the circuit. He was naturally an active person but you could see how nervous he was. After all, It wasn't every day that you had the chance to start your race on the front row and he knew that.

Upon entering the paddock, questions from the press began. Everyone was asking Lando how he felt starting in that position. How he was dealing with the pressure and if he sees himself capable of finally winning his first race.

Lando took my hand when he saw how the journalists started to surround us but I could see in his eyes he was starting to feel trapped. I held his hand tightly and quickened our pace.

- He will give statements when necessary, for now we have to get to the box please let us pass- I say with a confident tone of voice, trying to get them to listen to me.

Finally they give us space to pass and I pull Lando to head towards his drivers room. He doesnt say a word in the whole  walk there but when I loosen my grip on his hand a bit he squeezed it even harder, making it clear to me that he didn't want me to let go.

When we get to the garage some people look at us strangely, Lando used to make his presence known by greeting everyone as soon as he enters a room but he didn't even look up from the floor. I give an apologetic look and greet everyone for the two of us.

We finally reach the room and I open the door to go inside. Lando leaves my hand behind and falls into the sofa.

-Dont even think about it- I told him sitting on the floor in front of him. I have always liked sitting on the floor rather on chairs call me crazy.

-I cant do it- he said looking at the ceiling shaking his head.

- It's your fifth season at F1, What changes this from the rest of the races?

-That I finally have a car that could win- he has been hugging himself like he is trying to be protected from something, but finally turns his head to look at me- And I'm so scared Luna. -lately I've noticed that he only calls me that when he's saying something important.

-But thats so good Lan, why would that make you scared?

-What if I haven't been winning, not because I didn't have the car to do it... but because I don't have what it takes to win.

- What if you do have what it takes, what if it goes well, what if you win- I say.

He thinks about it for a bit until it seems something has occurred to him.

-If you're right, and I win, we are going on a date.

-And if you loose?- I ask.

-I'll be sad enough after losing, at least give me a date to cheer me up- he said with a half smile. I cant help but laugh at that


-Really?- he seemed surprised- I didnt think it would work- he said with a laugh.

-Dont make me regret it- I threaten. He puts his hands up in surrender.

- You wont, I will do my best to win.

-You better, we need new decoration for our living room and that trophy will look amazing- I say trying to lighten the mood.

The start of the race is coming up and they need us downstairs in the garage. Lando is taken away by his engineer, he was already much more sure of himself and he seemed determined to win. I am in charge of recording content of the cars and drivers preparing to start the race.

Fading - Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now