About damn time

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A little gift full of fluff before the end of the year. Happy 2023 to all who are already in the new year🥳

The next week was a busy one. Lando had to be a lot in the factory since they couldnt afford to loose the advantage they had in the championship and I had been busy with meeting almost everyday.

I have also had an appointment with the doctor, they did tests and it seemed that nothing was happening in my brain. We just had to wait for it to suddenly return to normal or live with the fact that those memories will not return.

I opted for the second. I was sick of waiting, if my memories came back, great, but I wasn't going to stand around wasting my time. I had already lost six years I wont loose a second more.

I walk into the house and see Lando preparing food. Well he wasn't cooking, just heating up what I made last night but it's the thought that counts.

- I thought you were going to be at the factory until late- I said leaving the coat on the rack.

-They gave me the rest of the day free, I had already worked out so I'm all yours- he said while placing the plates on the table- Are you hungry?

-Starving- I told him sitting on the table. I had been thinking about this pasta for the whole morning.

-Did the doctor say anything new?- He says it casually but I know that this appointment with the doctor had caused him a lot of anxiety in the last few days.

-The same as the last time, nothing to do- I said with an apologetic smile- I'm sorry.

-Dont say that. It's not as if it was your fault- he puts his hand over mine in the table. My hair stood on end. It amazes me how these details still make me react like this even after the last few days.- Is there anything we could do to cheer you up?

-You still owe me a date if I remember correctly- I said giving him a shy smile.

-Then that's settled, pick whatever you want to do and we'll do it.

-Oh no, I accepted the date, you plan it.

And thats how we ended in a bowling alley. I fucking love bowling. I have to say that Lando had an advantage in terms of knowing my tastes but I dont know why I thought he was going to choose a posh and expensive restaurant for it.

-So tell me, what did we do on our first date?- I asked him while I was tying my shoes.

-Thats a trick question- he said leaning on the bench.

-How can that be a trick question?

-Well I had a different answer than you did- he simply said- for me it was my 19th birthday, you took me to an art gallery and then a dinner with our friends.

-And for me?- I asked.

-For you it was christmas 2018, we went ice skating. I almost broke my arm in the process but I at least got a kiss at the end of the night- He shrugged and I rolled my eyes- I hope I dont have to do it again to get one tonight.

-We will see- I said after throwing the ball. Just one left, not bad.

-You didnt say that yesterday- he said on my ear hugging me from behind.

-Ha! Now sure you won't get it - I joke turning in his arms. He tried to kiss me but I dodged his lips ending up on my cheek- You will have to earn it, win today and we will see.

-You are lucky that I am so competitive, otherwise this relationship would not progress. - he said.

We were almost finishing the game, lucky for him a couple of my balls had gone off the track, leaving Lando the opportunity to catch up with me. He only had one throw left, if he throws a single pin he would win the game.

He prepares to shoot, the ball rolls down the lane and... 4 pins he manages to shoot. Not bad I guess.

He took me in his arms and turns me around taking me by surprise. I was laughing the whole time. He was so childish sometimes, I loved it.

-Moon- he said pulling me closer to him by my waist - My moon, would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?- he asked with a hopeful gaze.

-Sure- I said simply, he couldnt help but let out a laugh at this.

-I cant believe you said that!- He said shaking his head.- here I was prepared to give a speech and everything and you just say sure.

-What do you want me to say?! I thought we were already together!- He stopped on his tracks and his eyes lit up when he was reminded of this.

-What did you say?- he says whith a wide smile.

-I said that I thought we were already together- he didnt even let me finish the sentence before his lips were on mine.

-You won't believe it but you said exactly that the first time around. - I cant help but smile at this- By the way I know you let me win, next time try with something you haven't won in all the games since I've known you.

-Dont know what you are talking about. - I lie- You must have improved since last time, or I might have gotten worse.

-Luna we stopped playing against each other after you beated me like 15 times.- that bastard, he let me loose and didnt say a thing - you have missed like two shots in all the time I've known you and just tonight you've missed four.

-And we hadnt played together since?

-Oh no, we do play, I just have you in my team so we can win.- he winked- Next time we will play with Carlos and Isa, last time we won a dinner. I am curious what Carlos will bet this time when he gets delusional he will win.

-Only using me for my talent I see I see- I joke- beautiful story to tell our kids, their dad is only with me to win bets against his friends- I dry a fake tear.

He looks at me with a tender smile and a expression I've been seeing more and more in the last couple of days.

-I know that face, you're going to say something that will melt my heart.- I say pointing to his chest accusingly. His smile just grew wider.

-We wanted to name our children Violet if it was a girl and...

-Theo if it was a boy- I interrupt him. I guess some things dont change- I had them picked since I was...

-Since you were twelve- he finished for me.- You made it very clear that if I wanted my children to have my last name, you would choose the names.

-Sounds like something I would say-Suddenly something worried me - we...we werent trying or anything were we?

-Oh no, no, we both agreed to wait a couple more years, it wasnt something we were looking for right now.

-Good...thats good- I loved children, I always knew I wanted them and I would love to be a young mom. But for me a couple of months ago I was in college and now...lets just say i need time to finish wrapping my head around everything.

Lando noticed how I was lost in thoughts and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my head.

-Thats perfect- he said- Everything will come in its time, we dont have to worry about that stuff- I nodded.

-Everything will come in its time- I repeat. We dont have to rush things.

Fading - Lando NorrisNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ