Attacked by the gutter?

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As Stu stood in the way, he got hit in the stomach. "Ow, what was that for Tatum?" he asked as I took him to sit down but he put me to the side.

"If you get mad, don't hit someone Tatum. Walk away in madness, I don't want you hitting someone that isn't worth it." he said as he stares at Tatum as I smirk, a little while after Tatum looks down on the ground and walks to the bathroom as Sidney looks at me and rolls her eyes as she runs over to Tatum. I tap Stu's shoulder as I give him a sign to come talk to me privately in a classroom.

I walk to a classroom that no one is in as I sit down at the teacher's desk, I see Stu walking in as I tell him to close and lock the door. He goes and sits in front of me on a chair.

"You wanted to talk privately with me, Y/N?" he said as I nod. "Don't you think you went a little bit too harsh on Tatum? I mean, she is your girlfriend after all and she looked a bit sad when you said that. Don't you feel bad for her?" I ask as he stays quiet for a while.

"No, she is really annoying and besides, she ignored AND called you a slut today. You aren't a slut, not even close to one. I am planning on breaking up with her anyway, she is always so annoying and jealous when I talk to you since we've known each other for such a long time. I've completely lost feelings for Tatum, I like someone else." I take word for word into my brain, thinking about it as I slowly nod.


I see Randy looking confused about what's happening, "Are you okay, Randy? You seem confused and stressed up." I ask as he walks in small circles and stop to answer "Yeah, I'm fine. I just don't understand what is happening, Tatum is mad at Y/N for some reason and it looks like Stu and Y/N will start dating at any moment. I see them in the window over there, in that classroom" he says as we have eye contact and then breaks our eye contact and points at the window. They look like their about to kiss, what the fuck is going on between them?

"That's weird, are they about to kiss? It looks like that, doesn't it Randy?" I say as I see him running inside "Randy! RANDY, WAIT!!" I scream as I run after him.


I start running to make sure Y/N and Stu doesn't kiss each other since Stu has a girlfriend. I look back and see that Billy is chasing me, that is fucking creepy.

I arrive as the door is locked and I can see inside the classroom since the door has a window in it and Stu's lips in almost touching Y/N's lips. I start hitting the door, getting their attention-- They look at us as I see Y/N getting tensed up and Stu looks at us and starts walking towards the door and unlocks it.

"What the fuck are you guys doing?! I saw you two almost kiss, what is this about?! You have a fucking girlfriend, Stu! Are you cheating on her?!" I say as he looks at me, annoyed.

"Yeah, so what? It's not cheating since I am about to break up with her 'cause she is so fucking annoying, oh. I see her there. HEY TATUM! WE'RE OVER, I DON'T LIKE YOU ANYMORE!" she heard him and started crying and ran to the bathroom again. Stu looked relived after he just broke up with Tatum. 


Stu just broke up with Tatum, wow. I can't believe we were about to kiss, I bearly remember what happened before that. All I know is that we talked and we got eye contact and he stood up and came closer and almost kissed me. I can't complain though, oh shit. He just slammed the door in Billy and Randy's face as he did the 'peace sign' and starts walking towards me.

"Where were we, darling?" he says as he puts his hands under my chin and lifts in and kisses me. Randy stands there watching me and Stu kiss as Stu starts smirking and slowly pull his face away from mine and goes down on my neck and kisses it. He stops kissing me and we talk a little more as I felt my face get hot because Stu asked me something, "Will you be my girlfiend Y/N?" I answer with a yes and I hug him.

"We can hang at my place after school and watch a movie or something, Stu. Only you want to, of course!" he answers and lifts me up and kisses my cheek. Oh my gosh, this boy. I swear to god, I'm literally dying. He's so nice, I love him so much.

                                                                                AFTER SCHOOL

Me and Stu hops into my car but this time he drives us home to my place, I trust him with my car hoping he won't accidentily crash it. I know he wouldn't crash my car but you neve know with him. 

We arrive as I see that everyone is at work so me and Stu has lot's of time to chill and do whatever we want. "Want a beer?" I ask Stu as he nods with a smile and he orders a pizza for us to eat while we watch a movie together.

I fix plates and beer for us both as I let him choose movie this time. I get a call and I answer it and I hear a raspy voice on the line

"Hello? Who's this?" I say as the person on the end of the line says "You tell me.." I get tensed up as I call over Stu to help me, and he takes over the phone for me. "Hello? We're busy at the moment, sorry." he says as Stu tells me to go over to the sofa and sit down. "Billy! Don't do this right now, I'm with Y/N! Why are you trying to kill her?!" he said quietly so I wouldn't hear. They keep talking until I hear Stu say bye to whoever was on the other side of the line and he walks into the living room and sits down.

The Peer Pressure // Stu MacherWhere stories live. Discover now