That is so sexist

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We all went to eat lunch after 2nd class, we walk to our usual spot.

I sat next to Stu and Sidney.

"Did they ask you guys if you liked to hunt?" Stu asks.

"Hunt? Why would they ask you if you liked to hunt?" Tatum said as she sounds a little bitchy.

"Because their bodies were gutted" Randy then said before thinking about the fact that Maureen Prescott, Sidney's mother was gutted.

Sidney flinches as she is grossed out. "Thanks, Randy," Billy said as he looks him deep in the eyes.

"Well, of course, they were gutted. It seems like something a killer in Woodsboro would do" I said sarcastically.

"They didn't ask me if I liked to hunt!" Tatum said confused.

"Maybe because there is no way a girl could have killed them," Stu said mockingly as I hit his arm.

"That is so sexist, the killer could easily be a girl. That is a female-basic instinct" Tatum said and rolled her eyes at Stu's words.

"Look, obviously the killer is out there somewhere. Can we please not talk about this?" I said and they all just looked at me.

"Yeah, um. Casey and Steve were completely hallowed out, and it takes a man to do so." Stu said all serious, arguing back with Tatum. "Or a man's mentality," Tatum said quietly.

"Um, weird question but how do you gut someone?" Sid asked a little shyly.

Stu's answer was a bit surprising for all of us, how does he know it that well and how does he know if it works on humans or not?

"You take a knife, and slit them from the groin to the sternum" Sidney shivered, I saw the disgust and fear on her face.

"Hey, it's called a tact you fuckrag," Billy said staring into Stu's soul.

"Oh, my bad Billy. You really do expect me to know what it's called? Huh? Because I don't" Stu lied, which only Billy knew.

"Remember in JAWS when they caught the wrong shark at first and Richard Dreyfuss cut it open to look for body parts and all they found was a silicone plate and all this white milky goo?" Randy said looking at us all.

"Shut the fuck up, Randy. That is absolutely disgusting" I said staring at him blankly.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry then" Randy said quietly.

"Hey, Stu? Didn't you use to date, Casey?" Sidney asks Stu as he looks at her.

"Yeah," he chuckles "for like two seconds," Stu said with a weird facial expression on his face.

"Before Casey dumped Stu for Steve" Randy then said as I quietly laughed.

Randy saw I laughed and then gave me a sign not to laugh cause we all know what Stu does when someone laughs when he is lying, he will look you dead in the eyes to scare you.

"Stu! What the hell! I thought you dumped her for me!" Tatum said getting upset, turning around to face Stu.

"I did dump Casey for you, Randy's full of shit." He said seriously, knowing he is lying.

"And are the police aware that you dated the victim?" Randy said, having a weird feeling about Stu.

"What are you saying? That I killed her?" He said nervously and offended.

"Guys, stop. We never know who it is. All we know is that it's literally not Cotton, who else could it be?" I said nervously looking at Randy.

"That would certainly improve your high school Q." Randy said seriously but jokingly at the same time, continuing to talk with Stu.

"Oh fuck off, Randy. Stu was with me last night" Tatum said in a flirty voice.

It made me feel jealous, but whatever. They are dating anyway..

"Yeah, I was" Stu groaned out with a grin on his face.

"Was that before or after you decided to slice and dice, Stu?" Randy said while Stu looks at him, not breaking the eye contact between them.

"Stop, the real question is.. Where were you, last night?" Tatum asked Randy as he starts smiling.

"I was working, thank you for the question." Such a flex that he has a job at Blockbusters, just like me oh my god.

"I thought they fired your sorry ass over there, Randy." Tatum said getting a bit annoyed.

"They fired me twice, actually. I got my job back." Randy said as Stu starts on something that we just talked about but pretty much left behind.

"I didn't kill anybody.." Stu said, looking at us with a guilty feeling.

"Nobody said you did, Stu." Billy looked at him as he looks at Stu dead in the eyes.

Stu turns to face Billy, "Thanks, buddy!".

"Hah, besides.. 'It takes a man to do', Stu." Randy said mockingly toward Stu.

"Stop it, Randy, I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, kid!" Stu said with a grin on his face.

"Oh, but Stu.. Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? I heard they found her liver in the mailbox after she was killed" Randy said to Stu.

"Ew stop, I'm eating here Randy! Let me eat in peace, you're disgusting!" Tate said to Randy as she hit his arm.

"Exactly, she is getting mad. You better liver alone, Randy!" Stu joked, cracking up at his own joke as the rest of us groan.

I hit Stu's arm, as I see Sidney getting uncomfortable knowing that her mother also got gutted.

"Ow, ouch! Liver, li- liver, liver! It was a joke! Geez!" Stu said as the bell rang, meaning we have to get back to class.

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