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The hustle and bustle from the airport was crowded as people/travelers were coming and going to and from different flights. It was your average setting as (y/n) tiredly waited for her luggage at pick-up center. Her eyes were baggy and she was yawning way too much like an insomniac.

Once she spotted the familiar burgundy suitcase, she hastily reached to grab it. Sighing, she exited the airport and searched for the driver her mother and father had prepared for her upon arrival before spotting the black vehicle and walking towards with.

"Hi, I'm (y/n) (l/n)." She shook the chauffeur's hand as he helped her settle her bags into the car while she situated herself into the backseat. "Um, I'm sure you already have the details so I'll just give you the address." She chuckled, handing him the slip of paper.

The (h/c)-haired beauty looked out the window, occasionally glancing at her phone and texting her parents that she landed safely and was alright. It was her first time in japan. She was relocating and moving from Los Angeles, US to get a fresh start.

Why japan tho? It was peaceful and the culture is amazing amongst all other things. Everything was zen, totally her vibe and personality. Anyways, her parents were kind enough to help her with the move; renting her a luxury flat and sending money (support) often. Her things were already boxed and waiting to be unpacked upon her arrival at the apartment. She couldn't have been more grateful to have wonderful parents by her side.

She broke from her thoughts when the car soon slowed and pulled to a stop in front a large apartment complex. Thanking the chauffeur as he helped carry her bags for her while she moved her personal items herself, she closed her apartment door behind him as he left with a curt nod.

Since airplane food sucked, (y/n) decided to order some food, pizza is the best bet. After waiting for 30 minutes or less for the delivery man, she ate two-three slices and drank some soda.

Once she was full and relaxed for a bit, she begun to unpack her boxes while putting on the television on low volume setting.

As the (h/c)-haired beauty was storing away her dishes and cutlery, she glanced at the tv curiously.

"Bonten seems to strike again, this time at a local bar. A shootout occurred yesterday night between 1AM and 3AM, resulting in the death of bar owner Juno Yamamoto and two other bouncers." The news reporter explained with a serious look as she flipped through more sheets of paper.

"...bonten? What a shitty ass name...whatever the hell that is anyways." (Y/n) shrugged, as long as she minds her own business, her life won't be touched. Besides, it isn't the first time she's heard of gangs before.

Checking the clock, (e/c) orbs widened when they landed on the time. 4:30 AM! Wow. She decided to leave the rest of the boxes for tomorrow and get some sleep. Jet lag was really getting to her.

After showering, doing her skincare, and then slipping on her night clothes, she made way under the covers of her bed before closing her eyes and falling asleep.


A month and half passed before the (h/c)-ette was finally situated in her new place and everything was settled.

(Y/n) was on the phone talking to her mother, her earphones plugged in her ears as her feet walked the pavement heading to the mall, "yeah, ma, I'm fine. I've finally settled in and even got a job!" She chuckled, stopping at the crosswalk and waiting for the light to change.

"Hm? Is that so? Where?" Her mother questioned, the young woman could faintly hear rustling in the background. Her parents were a family owned business for a cosmetic company.

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