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Two weeks later

(Y/n) had gotten off early from work as she bid goodbye to her co-workers. She clutched her handbag in her hand as her shoes hit the pavement in a tapping motion. She brushed her hair behind her ear since it was getting in her mouth and eyes.

She decided on what to do for the remainder of the day. Shopping? Errands? Movie? What to do? She desperately needed some time to herself especially after yesterday, the slight bitterness she felt had her feeling exhausted.

"Mhm..maybe I'll go to the spa? I could use a back-rub or maybe a facial?" The (h/c)-ette pondered in thought, about to take out her phone and google the nearest spa center. Japan had the best ones!

A honk caught (y/n)'s attention causing her to pause and turn in the direction it came from to see a black Mercedes Benz rolling up next to her, the window down as a familiar yet annoying face peered up at her, "need a ride, darling~?" Ran smirked at her irritated expression, finding joy in teasing the (h/c)-ette beauty.

"No, I don't." (Y/n) gritted her teeth, glaring at him—which he ignored. "Don't you have better things to do than bother me? First Rindou and that pinkie, now you?" She scoffed, her luck was terrible. Why couldn't these guys just leave her alone?

Ran quirked an eyebrow in interest at the mention of his brother's name, "Rindou was here?" He might have to step up his game if he didn't want to lose to the other bonten members and mikey.

(Y/n) eyed him with annoyance, answering his questions, "yeah, he was. Yesterday, actually. Your brother and pinkie barged into my house unattended and wouldn't stop bothering me!" She huffed, remembering how Sanzu embraced her from behind and wouldn't let go, his lips caressing her skin and planting wet, sloppy kisses on her neck (he fucking slobbered all over her)...till she shoved his face away. It didn't help that Rindou smacked her ass with his cute smirk when she walked pass to the bathroom. Ugh.

Ran hummed in thought, his forefinger lightly touching his lips before darting his lazy purple hues at her, "get in, I'll drop you to where you're going." He reached over to the passenger seat, opening the door for her and waiting for her to get in.

(Y/n) felt an eye twitch, "I'd rather drop dead." She muttered, walking away from him.

Ran watched as the (h/c)-haired beauty walked away from him, chuckling as he leaned back against his seat, "playing hard to get, hm? You're lucky we've just begun, baby. Bonten is no joke when we want someone...and that person is you." He murmured huskily, an obsessive look on his handsome face.....

......."The least she could have done is close my door though." The older haitani muttered bitterly, eyeing his open car door with distaste. He sighed.

(Y/n) was muttering furiously while people watched her with wary eyes. She didn't blame them. She probably looked like a mad man but she couldn't help it. It wasn't even a year since she arrived in Tokyo as a permanent resident and now she's got eight goons chasing after her. If only she didn't go to the club.

She knew she was probably playing a dangerous game with them, an inkling feeling told her they weren't to be messed with but she couldn't just stand silent as they went past her boundaries, touched her without consent and did other pervasive things such as attempting to steal her underwear! She was a woman of dignity, honor, and respect. Besides, she was sure she couldn't have that much appeal on them considering the multiple women she remembers splayed all over their laps at the club...how wrong she is.

She decided not to let these men bother her day as she continued to the spa. As she entered the building, she was greeted by the women who lead her into a room and instructed her to change from her clothes and lie down on the massage bed butt naked, of course a sheet will cover bottom half.

As (y/n) closed her eyes and exhaled a peaceful sigh, waiting for the lady masseuse to come, she was unaware of someone else entering the room and locking the door.

She flinched when she felt masculine hands on her bare back and what really got her alerted was the fact that person sniffed her neck, their nose touching her skin, "sweets~."

(Y/n) hurriedly jolt out the bed, knocking over a decorative vase to grab the sheets to cover her body as she whirled around wide-eyed, heart erratically beating out of her chest as she came face-to-face with..........mikey!

The short white haired male stared at her in silence with his cold obsidian eyes, hands in pockets as he was unperturbed by the sight before him (he never slept with a woman).

"M-mikey!" She clutched the sheets close to her body, "what are you doing here!?" She demanded.

Mikey stared quietly, his obsidian hues absentmindedly roaming her exposed skin before clenching his jaw tightly to suppress this sudden urge to touch her. Would her skin feel soft against his rough ones? Smooth maybe? "I...." He began, cocking his head to the side as his cold eyes observed her. "..I want to touch you."

(Y/n)'s cheeks heated up from how bluntly he said it. He wanted to touch her?! "...huh?"

Mikey stepped closer to her, watching as she moved back. He intentionally backed her into the wall, giving her no choice of escape. He watched as she gasped, feeling the cool wall behind her, "...mine." He obsessively says, twirling a piece of her silky hair in between his fingers and rubbing it. She smelt heavenly to him, almost goddess-like. He liked it. He wanted more.

(Y/n) regained her courage and smacked his hand away, glaring at him, unaware that he was Bonten's boss, "don't touch me!...and I'm not yours!" She rose her voice, unafraid to tell the male off.

Mikey's lips twitched, curling into smirk as he cocked his head to the side. He was amused. It seems his angel didn't know she already belonged to him and Bonten. She was theirs! He didn't say nothing as he watched as she rushed past him to leave him.

His dark impulses were telling him to keep her pinned down, to trap her, keep her from escaping his grasp. He never felt such lightness inside him and he didn't want to let go of that spark. He was already plunged into the darkness and he needed...no...wanted to hold onto that shining light which was (y/n) (l/n) at the end of the tunnel. His obsidian hues flashed with something almost feral, possessive, selfish and dark. His fingers twitched. Soon...soon she shall be his and bonten.


"You alright?" Niragi asked the (h/c)-haired beauty, noticing the disturbed expression on her face the minute she entered the cafe. All day she was dazed.

Snapping out of her thoughts, (y/n) glanced at her friend, clearing her throat, "yeah." She reassured offhandedly, "I'm just going through something rather strange...?" She furrowed her brows.

"Strange, how?" Hana peeked her head out from the back, looking between her and Niragi.

(Y/n) didn't want to bother them with her concerns and just smiled reassuringly, "it's nothing I can't handle." Hana and Niragi gave her doubtful looks but continued with their work.

As she continued to ring up customer's orders, she glanced at the news when she heard the word 'Bonten.' "What's up with this bonten? I've been hearing about them since I've arrived in Japan." She was curious.

Niragi glanced at her, wiping down the tables, "You don't know? Almost everyone in japan fears them. They're the top criminal organization to exist. The number of crimes they've committed is unimaginable that even the police nor the government can't touch them. Prostitution, murder, kidnapping, money-laundering, trafficking...they're always connected somehow."

(Y/n) frowned, looking at him, "so they're basically mafia?" Niragi nodded. "And you're telling me no one can't identify them? That's impossible!" She exclaims.

Hana shook her head, being serious for once as she looked at the girl in her (e/c) hues, "it's not impossible. Nobody knows what bonten's boss looks like nor their top members. The only thing connecting them is a tattoo of a hanafuda earring." She admitted.

(Y/n) couldn't believe it. Then again, criminal organizations buy off government officials with money and luxuries in order to keep quiet. The greed is what keeps them from exposing bonten cause they want their pockets full. It wasn't uncommon, but she expected better. Sigh.


A/n: enjoy!!!!!

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